6/8: 156th Belmont Stakes Day
By kasept. Filed in Uncategorized |BELMONT AT SARATOGA
1st: ALW/N1X, 3+, 1m (P5, P3, DD)
Most Likely: #8 Classic Legacy 7-2 4th
Next Best: #3 General Partner 5-2 WON ($4.10)
Best Value: #4 Suerte 6-1 6th
Exotics Use: #5 Quick to Accuse 7-2 5th
2nd: OC/N1X, 3yo-F, 1m-Inner (P4, $3 Turf Triple P3/2nd-5th-9th, P3, DD)
Best Value: #8 Munny Grab 10-1 10th
Next Best: #6 Spaliday 3-1 4th
Exotics Use: #5 Lady de Berry 4-1 6th
Super Add: #4 Storm Miami 10-1 3rd
$3 Turf Triple P3:
2: 4-5-6-8 (A), – (B), – (C)
5: 2-3-6-7 (A), – (B), – (C)
9: 2 (A), – (B), – (C)
All A’s: 4x4x1 = 16 x $3 = $48
3rd: OC/N2X, 3+, 6.5f (P5, P3, DD)
Most Likely: #6 Awesome Native 4-1 4th
Next Best: #8 Full Screen 7-2 5th
Best Value: #5 Subrogate 5-1 WON ($11.60)
Exotics Use: #2 Mandatory 9-2 8th
4th: 46th True North (G2), 4+, 6.5f (P4, P3, DD)
Most Likely: #5 Gun Pilot 1-1 3rd
Next Best: #4 Accretive 5-1 7th
Exotics Use: #2 Rotknee 6-1 4th
Super Add: #7 Baby Yoda 6-1 WON ($20.40)
5th: 38th Poker (G3), 4+, 1m-Inner (P5, P3, DD)
Most Likely: #2 Casa Creed 9-5 4th
Next Best: #3 Carl Spackler 2-1 5th
Best Value: #6 Kubrick 8-1 6th
Exotics Use: #7 Talk of the Nation 7-2 3rd
P5 Grid:
1: 8 (A), – (B), – (C)
2: 6-8 (A), 4-5 (B), – (C)
3: 6-8 (A), – (B), – (C)
4: 4-5 (A), 2-7 (B), – (C)
5: 2-3 (A), – (B), 6-7 (C)
Simple (A+B): 1x4x2x4x2 = 64 x .50 = $32
All A’s: 1x2x2x2x2 = 16 x .50 = $8
Backup (AAAAC): 1x2x2x2x2 = 16 x .50 = $8 (6-7 in 5th)
P4 Grid:
2: 6-8 (A), 4-5 (B), – (C)
3: 6-8 (A), – (B), – (C)
4: 4-5 (A), 2-7 (B), – (C)
5: 2-3 (A), – (B), 6-7 (C)
Simple (A+B): 4x2x4x2 = 64 x .50 = $32
All A’s: 2x2x2x2 = 16 x .50 = $8
Backup (AAAC): 1x2x2x2x2 = 16 x .50 = $8 (6-7 in 5th)
6th: 137th Suburban (G2), 4+, 10f (P4, P3, DD)
Most Likely: #8 Bendoog 2-1 2nd
Next Best: #2 Kuchar 8-1 5th
Best Value: #1 Signator 8-1 6th
Exotics Use: #7 Crupi 3-1 WON ($7.10)
7th: 56th Ogden Phipps (G1), F&M-4+, 9f ($1 P6, P3, DD)
Most Likely: #5 Idiomatic 3-5 2nd
Best Value: #4 Soul of an Angel 8-1 5th
Next Best: #3 Pretty Mischievous 6-1 3rd
Exotics Use: #6 Raging Sea 9-2 4th
P5 Grid:
3: 6-8 (A), – (B), – (C)
4: 4-5 (A), 2-7 (B), – (C)
5: 2-3 (A), 6-7 (B), – (C)
6: 2-8 (A), – (B), – (C)
7: 4-5 (A), – (B), – (C)
Simple (A+B): 2x4x4x2x2 = 128 x .50 = $64
All A’s: 2x2x2x2x2 = 32 x .50 = $16
P4 Grid:
4: 4-5 (A), 2-7 (B), – (C)
5: 2-3 (A), 6-7 (B), – (C)
6: 2-8 (A), – (B), – (C)
7: 4-5 (A), – (B), – (C)
Simple (A+B): 4x4x4x1 = 64 x .50 = $32
All A’s: 2x2x4x1 = 16 x .50 = $8
8th: 40th Woody Stephens (G1), 3yo, 7f (P5, P3, DD)
Most Likely: #7 Prince of Monaco 7-2 2nd
Best Value: #11 Maximus Meridius 15-1 8th
Next Best: #1 Book’em Danno 9-2 WON ($7.70)
Exotics Use: #6 Reasoned Analysis 15-1 4th
9th: 41st Jaipur (G1), 3+, 5.5f-T (P4, P3, DD)
Most Likely: #2 ARZAK 9-2 2nd
Best Value: #6 Star of Mystery 6-1 3rd
Next Best: #8 Cogburn 2-1 WON ($6.30)
Exotics Use: #1 Thin White Duke 30-1 8th
P5 Grid:
5: 2-3 (A), 6-7 (B), – (C)
6: 2-8 (A), 1-7 (B), – (C)
7: 3-4-5-6 (A), 1-2 (B), – (C)
8: 7 (A), – (B), – (C)
9: 2-6 (A), – (B), 1-5-8-10 (C)
Simple (A+B): 4x4x6x1x2 = 192 x .50 = $96
All A’s: 2x2x4x1x2 = 32 x .50 = $16
Backup (AAAAC): 2x2x4x1x4 = 64 x .50 = $32 (1-5-8-10 in 9th)
P4 Grid:
6: 2-8 (A), 1-7 (B), – (C)
7: 3-4-5-6 (A), 1-2 (B), – (C)
8: 7 (A), – (B), – (C)
9: 2-6-8 (A), – (B), 1-5-10 (C)
Simple (A+B): 4x6x1x3 = 72 x .50 = $36
All A’s: 2x4x1x3 = 24 x .50 = $12
Backup (AAAC): 2x4x1x3 = 24 x .50 = $12 (1-5-10 in 9th)
10th: 131st Metropolitan H. (G1), 4+, 1m (P5, P3, $5 Met/Belmont DBL, DD)
Most Likely: #2 National Treasure 8-5 WON ($4.70)
Best Value: #3 Post Time 7-2 2nd
Next Best: #6 White Abarrio 6-5 5th
11th: 151st Manhattan (G1), 4+, 9.5f-T (P4, P3, DD)
Best Value: #6 Al Riffa 6-1 6th
Next Best: #7 Nation’s Pride 9-2 2nd
Exotics Use: #5 Program Trading 5-2 5th
Super Add: #1 I’m Very Busy 9-2 7th
12th: 156th Belmont Stakes (G1), 3yo, 10f (P3, DD)
Best Value: #1 Seize the Grey 8-1 7th
Next Best: #9 Sierra Leone 9-5 3rd
Exotics Use: #5 Antiquarian 12-1 5th
Super Add: #3 Mystic Dan 5-1 8th
New York/Belmont DBL:
New York: 3-5 (A), – (B), – (C)
Belmont: 1-5-9 (A), – (B), – (C)
All A’s: 2×3 = 6 x $5 = $30
Acorn/Belmont DBL:
Acorn: 3-4-5-9 (A), – (B), – (C)
Belmont: 1-5-9 (A), – (B), – (C)
All A’s: 4×3 = 12 x $5 = $60
P5 Grid:
8: 7 (A), – (B), – (C)
9: 2-6 (A), – (B), 1-5-8-10 (C)
10: 2-3-6 (A), – (B), – (C)
11: 5-6-7 (A), – (B), – (C)
12: 1-5-9 (A), 2-3-8 (B), – (C)
Simple (A+B): 1x2x3x3x6 = 108 x .50 = $54
All A’s: 1x2x3x3x3 = 54 x .50 = $27
Backup (ACAAA): 1x4x3x3x3 = 108 = $54
P4 Grid:
9: 2-6 (A), – (B), 8 (C)
10: 2-3-6 (A), – (B), – (C)
11: 5-6-7 (A), – (B), – (C)
12: 1-3-5-9 (A), – (B), 2-8 (C)
All A’s: 2x3x3x4 = 72 x .50 = $36
Backup (CAAA + AAAC): 1x3x3x4 = 36 x .50 = $18 (8 in 9th) + 2x3x3x2 = 36 x .50 = $18 (2-8 in 12th)
13th: NY-MSW, F&M-3+, 8.5f-Inner (DD)
Muddled bunch. Can’t accept a short price..
Best Value: #10 Top of the Table 10-1: Grass debut and bred top/bottom for it.. 8th
Next Best: #11 North End Lady 5-1: Seasonal bow; Was getting close at 2.. 2nd
Exotics Use: #12 Alittlebitnaughty 8-1: First as soph and Gargan good w/ returnees.. SCR
Super Add: #1 Assisi 15-1: 2nd/layoff for Bond who gets Dettori to take call.. 10th
14th: ALW/N1X, 3+, 5.5f-T
Most Likely: #10 Twenty Six Black 6-1 2nd
Best Value: #1 Tunisian Spring 8-1 5th
Next Best: #2 Salt Spray 4-1 7th
Exotics Use: #6 Yarrow 5-1 3rd
P5 Grid:
10: 2-3 (A), 6 (B), – (C)
11: 5-6 (A), 7 (B), – (C)
12: 1-5-9 (A), – (B), – (C)
13: 10-11-12 (A), – (B), – (C)
14: 10 (A), 1 (B), – (C)
Simple (A+B): 3x3x3x3x2 = 162 x .50 = $81
All A’s: 2x2x3x3x1 = 36 x .50 = $18
P4 Grid:
11: 5-6 (A), 7 (B), – (C)
12: 1-5-9 (A), – (B), – (C)
13: 10-11-12 (A), – (B), – (C)
14: 1-10 (A), 2-4 (B), – (C)
Simple (A+B): 3x3x3x4 = 108 x .50 = $54
All A’s: 2x3x3x2 = 36 x .50 = $18