11/18: Aqueduct ($108k DBL P6 C/O)
By kasept. Filed in Uncategorized |AQUEDUCT
4th: Notebook-NY, 2yo, 6f (P4, P3, DD)
Most Likely: #3 Aggelos the Great 2-1
Best Value: #2 Bonne Chance 6-1
Next Best: #6 Works for Me 5-2
Exotics Use: #7 Perliano 10-1
5th: Hill Prince (G2), 3yo, 9f-T (P6, P3, DD)
$108k DBL P6 C/O Starts Here..
Best Value: #5 Faraday 10-1
Next Best: #3 Integration 1-1
Exotics Use: #4 Equitize 5-1
Super Add: #8 I’m Very Busy 6-1
6th: ALW/N1X, 3+, 9f-Outer (P5, G/S, P3, DD)
Wide open affair with two thirds of field within a couple lengths of each other..
Most Likely: #4 Danzigwiththestars 9-2
Best Value: #5 Harry Hood 8-1
Next Best: #11 Cyber Ninja 4-1
Exotics Use: #7 So High 5-1
7th: Key Cents-NY, 2yo-F, 6f (P4, P3, DD)
A lot of pace involved here. Not an easy read..
Most Likely: #5 Tricky Temper 4-1
Next Best: #1 My Shea D Lady 5-1
Best Value: #8 Unicorn Cake 10-1
Exotics Use: #3 Cara’s Time 5-2
P4 Grid:
4: 2-3 (A), – (B), 6-7 (C)
5: 3-4-5 (A), – (B), – (C)
6: 4-5-11 (A), – (B), – (C)
7: 1-5 (A), – (B), – (C)
All A’s: 2x3x3x2 = $36 ($18 for .50)
Backup (C-A-A-A): 2x3x3x2 = 36 x .50 = $18
8th: MSW, 2yo-F, 8.5f-T (P3, DD)
Interesting group with McPeek presenting California Chrome half sis Celtic Elegance, while Chad introduces Consumer Spending full Spendalot and Shug unveils Spinning Class, first foal out of MGSW My Impression..
Most Likely: #8 Spendalot 7-2
Next Best: #9 Waskesiu 6-1
Best Value: #12 Spinning Class 15-1
Exotics Use: #2 Dancing Dean 15-1
9th: AQU Turf Sprint Championship, 3+, 6f-Outer (DD)
Most Likely: #2 Alogon 6-1
Next Best: #11 Thin White Duke 5-1
Best Value: #3 Vacation Dance 30-1
Exotics Use: #4 Our Shot 5-2
10th: S/ALW, F&M-3+, 6f
Very tough starter group to end challenging sequence. Triple C/O?
Best Value: #7 Spun Special 10-1
Next Best: #5 She’s Awesome 7-2
Exotics Use: #4 Icy Reply 6-1
Super Add: #6 Shaman Princess 9-2
P6 Grid:
5: 3-4-5 (A), – (B), – (C)
6: 4 (A), – (B), 5-11 (C)
7: 1-5 (A), – (B), – (C)
8: 8 (A), 9 (B), – (C)
9: 2-11 (A), – (B), – (C)
10: 5-7 (A), 4-6 (B), – (C)
Simple (A+B): 3x1x2x2x2x4 = $96
All A’s: 3x1x2x1x2x2 = $24
Backup (A-C-A-A-A-A): 3x2x2x1x2x2 = $48 (5-11 in 6th)
P5 Grid:
6: 4-5-11 (A), – (B), – (C)
7: 1-5 (A), – (B), – (C)
8: 8 (A), 9 (B), – (C)
9: 2-11 (A), – (B), 3 (C)
10: 5-7 (A), 4-6 (B), – (C)
Simple (A+B): 3x2x2x2x4 = 96 x .50 = $48
All A’s: 3x2x1x2x2 = 24 x .50 = $12
Backup (A-A-A-C-A): 3x2x1x1x2 = 12 x .50 = $6 (3 in 9th)
P4 Grid:
7: 1-5 (A), – (B), – (C)
8: 8-9 (A), – (B), – (C)
9: 2-11 (A), – (B), 3 (C)
10: 5-7 (A), 4-6 (B), – (C)
Simple (A+B): 2x2x2x4 = $32 ($16 for .50)
All A’s: 2x2x2x2 = 16 x .50 = $8
Backup (A-A-C-A): 2x2x1x2 = 8 x .50 = $4 (3 in 9th)
Good luck!