1/26: Gulfstream (Pegasus Day; 4th-12th)
By kasept. Filed in Uncategorized |Tags: Gulfstream
4th: MSW, 3yo, 1m (P3, DD, Hi-5)
Best Value: #7 Tripwire 12-1 DNF-Cardiac Incident
Next Best: #13 Ranger Up 5-1 3rd
Exotics Use: #10 High Amplitude 8-1 2nd
Super Add: #4 Identifier 7-2 5th
5th: Ladies Turf Sprint, F&M-4+, 5f-OFF THE TURF(P4, P3, DD, Hi-5)
Most Likely: #4 Cherry Lodge WON ($5.60)
Next Best: #7 Razorback Lady 3rd
Exotics Use: #8 Smiling Causeway 4th
6th: South Beach, F&M-4+, 7.5f-T/0′ (P3, DD, Hi-5)
A number of notable surface switches/lawn returns going here including Everyonelovesjimmy (Jimmy Creed), Piedi Bianchi (Overanalyze) & Road to Victory (Quality Road). As discussed with Ian Wilkes this week, ‘Jimmy’ likely wanted grass all along, but was given every chance on the main as a 3yo. At 12-1, stands every chance to set pace or draft along inside if exterior pace players insist on the point..
Best Value: #4 Everyonelovesjimmy 12-1 11th
Next Best: #9 Dolce Lili 5-1 WON ($8.60)
Exotics Use: #7 Fizzy Friday 10-1 7th
Super Add: #12 Road to Victory 4-1 12th
7th: Hurricane Bertie (G3), F&M-4+, 7f (Rainbow 6, P3, DD, Hi-5)
Shamrock Rose, Dream Pauline & Blamed will take the money leaving us with overlays elsewhere. Ms Meshak is ‘good now’ and another step forward makes her competitive with these. Figures to stalk Blamed or sit behind duel if one develops between that one and Dream Pauline. Wet going a plus..
Best Value: #6 Ms Meshak 20-1 6th
Next Best: #5 Blamed 5-1 5th
Exotics Use: #3 Awestruck 6-1 7th
Super Add: #4 Shamrock Rose 2-1 4th
8th: La Prevoyante (G3), F&M-4+, 12f-T/0′ (P5, P3, DD, Hi-5)
This feels chaotic with mares coming from all over. English Affair (8-1) started to get good last summer and peaked when earning G3 black type in Cardinal win. Sire English Channel gets improvement in his progeny as they reach maturity and they LOVE cut in the ground. Castellano gets the call. Sign me up..
Best Value: #3 English Affair 8-1 8th
Next Best: #1 Holy Helena 3-1 6th
Exotics Use: #9 Santa Monica 7-2 2nd
Super Add: #7 Si Que Es Buena 6-1 WON ($17.00)
P4 Grid:
5: 4(A), – (B), 7-8 (C)
6: 4-9(A), 7-12 (B), 1-14 (C)
7: 3-5-6 (A), 2-4-8 (B), – (C)
8: 1-3-9 (A), – (B), 5-7-8 (C)
Simple (A+B): 1x4x6x3 = 72 x .50 = $36
All A’s: 1x2x3x3 = $18 ($9 for .50)
9th: Hooper (G3), 4+, 1m (P4, P3, DD, Hi-5)
Most Likely: #6 Aztec Sense 7-2 WON ($7.00)
Next Best: #8 Copper Town 6-1 6th
Best Value: #9 Unbridled Juan 8-1 4th
Exotics Use: #4 Breaking Lucky 9-2 2nd
10th: McKnight (G3), 4+, 12f-T/0′ (P3, DD, Hi-5)
Best Value: #7 Canessar 5-1 5th
Next Best: #2 Soglio 9-2 2nd
Exotics Use: #4 Zulu Alpha 4-1 WON ($6.60)
Super Add: #15 Sentry 20-1 8th
11th: Pegasus Turf Cup (G1), 4+, 9.5f-T/96′ (DD, Hi-5)
Best Value: #8 Delta Prince 15-1 3rd
Next Best: #7 Bricks and Mortar 5-1 WON ($7.60)
Exotics Use: #4 Aerolithe 8-1 8th
Super Add: #3 Channel Maker 12-1 5th
12th: Pegasus Cup (G1), 3+, 9f (Hi-5)
Most Likely: #5 Accelerate 9-5 3rd
Next Best: #3 City of Light 5-2 WON ($5.80)
Best Value: #6 Tom’s d’Etat 20-1 9th
Exotics Use: #8 Gunnevara 8-1 6th
Super/Hi-5: #4 Seeking the Soul 12-1 2nd
P5 Grid:
8: 1-3-9 (A), – (B), 5-7-8 (C)
9: 6-8 (A), 4-9 (B), 10 (C)
10: 7 (A), – (B), 2-4(C)
11: 4-7-8 (A), 2-3 (B), 1-5-9 (C)
12: 3-5 (A), – (B), 4-6-8 (C)
Simple (A+B): 3x4x1x5x2 = 120 x .50 = $60
All A’s: 3x2x1x3x2 = 36 x .50 = $18
P4 Grid:
9: 6-8 (A), 4-9 (B), 10 (C)
10: 2-4-7 (A), – (B), 12-14-15 (C)
11: 4-7-8 (A), 2-3 (B), 1-5-9 (C)
12: 3-5 (A), – (B), 4-6-8 (C)
Simple (A+B): 4x3x5x2 = 120 x .50 = $60
All A’s: 2x3x3x2 = 36 x .50 = $18
$0.50 Pick-4 (6/1,4,11,13/7/3) Paid $83.20