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Old 11-27-2014, 07:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Arletta View Post
A Thanksgiving message from - Clyde

================================================== ==========

Oh my God.

The posts here since my last are----inconcarneable.

At some ,I laughed;at some;I cried.

A few made me vomit.

Now out of the way,let us move on.

I feel the doom of opaqueness.Usually,obliqueness strikes me.Sometimes,ellipsesness.Sometimes,all three.Oh boy.Now I'm giving myself a headache.Perhaps I should explain.

Not the headache;the reason for my feeling squished.

That's what I mean.

Today we give thanks.Fine and dandy.It's a good thing.....a good holiday reason.And, I think.....we thank things that are outward.The three "f's",if you will.And ,if you will, consider the three f's are the following:Freedom,food and fellatio-poo.Needful,admirable things.Different people will add more to that list of outward things for which they are most thankful.But all tend to be outward even if the thankfulness is directed to people such as family and friends.It's a day that,if we are out for last minute Eskeemo Pies or repugnant cranberries....and pass by an obvious homeless person,we might actually give them something.Maybe 10 dollars.No.That's too much.A quarter.Nah.Too little.Five dollars? Still too much? Maybe a buck.Oh let's give them 10 dollars.It's Thanksgiving.

Whereas on a day other than Thanksgiving, we spot them and call our friends over and proceed to beat the dickens out of that poor homeless person.But not an Thanksgiving.

Why do we rarely if ever be thankful inwardly? Kin ya hep me here?Do you know what I mean?Not thankful for your belly or your vas deferens or your heart still a pumping( almost felt the 12 Days of Christmas on that one,did you?).To say another way;shouldn't we consider Plato's strange idea about the unexamined life as being unworthy of living?What?.....we're supposed to kill ourselves if we are not examining our lives? Probably stretching it out a bit far.I'm thinking ,it's a good idea to examine one's own life with the hope one gets a high score so one can be thankful for one's philosophies and philanthropies.....and yer so forth.Sounds a little aloof but if we are honest about all that inward thinking,one would deserve thanks.Of course, that's given one knows who to thank.Who are we thanking?Many thank their God.Then again, this is the Era of the Atheist ad I wonder who they might be thanking.

DO they thank?Oh that's another question for another day.Who do we thank if we are thankful for our mind's(souls?) output? Would we be patting ourselves on the back?Thanking ourselves?I don't know, but the twist on Plato's no doubt LSD influenced thought would be the counter thought offered up by Vonnegot which is:Then if we do examine our life only to find it woeful,then what?

Maybe that puts all this back to square one.

I just wish I could remember square one.

I do recall....opaqueness.

Well it's another huge horsey racing day on Saturday at the Aqueducts featuring the one mile long Cigar Mile.I noticed the race over at Equibase(comes naturally,being gifted).Do you think Secret Circle will barge out of the gate and immediately mow down everyone to his left ,assuring himself that It'sMyLuckyDay's and Private Zone's potential placement at the end of this race are not compromised? I think that's the way the rules read.The California stewards did make that clear to us.Anyhoo-----lots of my faves in here like IMD,NobleMoon and RegallyReady.I recommend taking one of those three.Observe how I am really going out on a limb picking just 3 horsey's.

Excuse me while I check back for misspellings.


Lots of 'em.

That first link came back 'not available'...i wasted one minute on that and 5 reading this whacky post...i can't afford to lose that many minutes, don't have much left..

"If you lose the power to laugh, you lose the power to think" - Clarence Darrow, American lawyer (1857-1938)

When you are right, no one remembers;when you are wrong, no one forgets.

Thought for today.."No persons are more frequently wrong, than those who will not admit
they are wrong" - Francois, Duc de la Rochefoucauld, French moralist (1613-1680)
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