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Old 11-10-2015, 03:41 PM
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Default Hurt speech

University of Missouri Police Ask Students to Report ‘Hurtful Speech’

An example would be, "I disagree with you."


Missouri prof asks for media coverage of hunger strike, protests

but then enlists intellectually challenged students to get media out of their "safe space"

"You don't have a right to take our photos..."
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Old 11-11-2015, 08:45 AM
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OldDog, I read that article you linked to. Where in the article does it offer "I disagree with you," as an example? If it's there, I missed it.
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Old 11-11-2015, 10:00 AM
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I offer it as an example. Clearly "hurtful." I mean, see the response that it provokes?

(NSFW - language)
(at around 0:25)
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Old 11-11-2015, 01:13 PM
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Originally Posted by OldDog View Post
I offer it as an example. Clearly "hurtful." I mean, see the response that it provokes?

(NSFW - language)
(at around 0:25)
It's so interesting you bring this up- I happened to go to a lecture on Monday about micro aggressions, and one of the things the lecturer, Dr. Wing Sue, talked about was that it's a very challenging thing to explain out of context. For example, this video, taken out of context, does seem like a student getting upset over nothing. However, you're seeing 80 seconds of reaction to a situation that's been building for a long time. It's not just about the email. Here's a piece written by a senior at Yale, which helps frame what you see in the video:

Dr. Sue talked about how television and mass media is one of the worst places to discuss it because everything has to be in 30 second soundbites, and he, for example, needs a good half hour to really be able to explain micro aggression. When you see a person really lose their sh*t like that, it's usually a case of the straw finally breaking the camel's back, not that they suddenly get upset out of nowhere. Him disagreeing with her was not what got her upset. The Yale administration repeatedly ignoring a culture of racism on campus is what got her upset. The guy in the video interrupting her (repeatedly) to tell her he disagreed (an example of gender based micro aggression, by the way) is just what finally pushed to her shout about it.

This gives great examples of micro aggressions experienced daily by people of color:

And that's the thing; it's death by a thousand cuts. One taken out of context doesn't seem like anything, especially to white Americans, but for those who experience it every day, it's cumulative.
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Old 11-11-2015, 03:15 PM
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Originally Posted by GenuineRisk View Post
It's so interesting you bring this up- I happened to go to a lecture on Monday about micro aggressions, and one of the things the lecturer, Dr. Wing Sue, talked about was that it's a very challenging thing to explain out of context. For example, this video, taken out of context, does seem like a student getting upset over nothing. However, you're seeing 80 seconds of reaction to a situation that's been building for a long time. It's not just about the email. Here's a piece written by a senior at Yale, which helps frame what you see in the video:

Dr. Sue talked about how television and mass media is one of the worst places to discuss it because everything has to be in 30 second soundbites, and he, for example, needs a good half hour to really be able to explain micro aggression. When you see a person really lose their sh*t like that, it's usually a case of the straw finally breaking the camel's back, not that they suddenly get upset out of nowhere. Him disagreeing with her was not what got her upset. The Yale administration repeatedly ignoring a culture of racism on campus is what got her upset. The guy in the video interrupting her (repeatedly) to tell her he disagreed (an example of gender based micro aggression, by the way) is just what finally pushed to her shout about it.
**Trigger warning**

I disagree.

Tell me where he interrupts her repeatedly.

The "guy in the video," Nicholas Christakis, listens to her, says "I did not..." before she raises a hand toward him and shouts, "Be quiet!" She lowers her tone, he stands silently and listens to her and when she pauses he calmly says, "No, I don't agree with that." From that point she erupts. If his was a "microaggression," hers was a macroaggression. She might as well have said, "Respect me! Apologize to me! And while you're at it, STFU!"

If you watched the previous two videos, you clearly see Christakis addressing other questions from the crowd in a calm, measured approach. One student demands he apologize. When he tells her (teaching moment) that just because a person asks for an apology doesn't mean that the other person instantly has to say yes, the crowd jeers and boos and shusses him. (But, but, what about his feelings?) BTW, what's up with the finger snapping? Is clapping now offensive?

No one needs to explain to me Jencey (f-bomb girl) Paz's viewpoint. I got it straight from her:

They (Erika and Nicholas Christakis) have again and again shown that they are committed to an ideal of free speech, not to the Silliman community.
Feelings trump free speech.
When students tried to tell him about their painful personal experiences as students of color on campus, he responded by making more arguments for free speech. It's unacceptable when the Master of your college is dismissive of your experiences. The Silliman Master's role is not only to provide intellectual stimulation, but also to make Silliman a safe space that all students can come home to. His responsibility is to make it a place where your experiences are a valid concern to the administration and where you can feel free to talk with them about your pain without worrying that the conversation will turn into an argument every single time. We are supposed to feel encouraged to go to our Master and Associate Master with our concerns and feel that our opinions will be respected and heard.
Presenting an alternative viewpoint is "dismissive." Yes, provide intellectual stimulation as long as it agrees with my viewpoint. If it doesn't, apologize for your offense NOW. Make me feel safe, unthreatened by alternative ideas, such as the First Amendment.
He seems to lack the ability, quite frankly, to put aside his opinions long enough to listen to the very real hurt that the community feels.
He keeps throwing up that damn free speech stuff instead of agreeing with me.
He doesn't get it. And I don't want to debate. I want to talk about my pain.
Screaming obscenities at professors may be acceptable at institutions of "higher learning," but (potential trigger) Ms. Paz won't be well prepared for the real world in which such a rant at a workplace (trigger) superior will get her sent walking. Unless maybe she works for the government, in which case she'll get a bonus.
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Old 11-12-2015, 11:00 AM
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I'm glad you brought this topic up, because it's certainly timely.

Here is what "free speech" has been on these college campuses:

A swastika painted out of feces on a dorm wall (Mizou)
Swastikas drawn in chalk on campus (Yale)
Nooses left hanging on trees (Duke and U. of Mississippi)
Greek houses hosting "blackface parties" (UCLA)
Student body president called "An Indian piece of sh*t" (U. of SoCal)

The last one is the subject of this article, and it's worth the read, because she talks about how the comments she faced during her run for president called back to what she went through growing up, which is exactly what microagressions are:

Going back to what she had to say, again, her rage is not specifically about the conversation with the campus official; it's a cumulation and he was what triggered it into shouting. Look at it as a rage fest 20 years in the making (guessing at her age).

There's free speech, and there's safety. And calling out and swiftly working to condemn racially and sexually aggressive speech, especially on a PRIVATE college campus, is responsible behavior by an administration. It's protecting your students. The kids (or more likely, their parents) pay a lot of money to go these places; they have a need to feel safe on them.

The thing is, if you're not a minority, micro aggressions are not something you're going to experience in your life. And I know that's something that gets some people very angry and defensive, but it is what it is. We're all members of our culture, and our culture is based around "white male" as the standard and everything else is "minority." It's been that way for centuries; it's not going to change in a couple of decades. The only thing that's changing now is that minorities are starting to feel safe enough in some spaces to speak up, and in many cases now, shout and scream about it. That's a good thing.

I can only speak to micro aggressions I've experienced due to being female, as, being white, I don't experience racial micro aggressions and being heterosexual I don't experience micro aggressions directed at women who identify as lesbian. Micro aggressions wear you out. There are many things I don't like about getting older, but I do very much like no longer having to field the endless comments young women get on the street, largely from guys who I'm sure think they are doing nothing offensive or wrong by saying, "Hello, beautiful!" or "Smile, sweetheart!" or "Hey, Red!" but who don't understand that when you get it six or seven times every single day of your life, you get worn out. It's not complementary and it's not fun. You have to acknowledge them, you have to be nice, or they get mean REAL quick. I watched one guy trail a young woman for two blocks, nagging her to brighten up (she had smiled at his first comment, but I guess that wasn't enough). After she finally was able to (gently) get rid of him, I made a light comment to her about his persistence and she said, "Right? I mean, I already paid him." (meaning she smiled the first time he spoke to her) Her choice of words wasn't accidental. It wasn't fun for her. She had to give him something to make him take his unsolicited attention away.

I'm sure every single female on this board has similar stories. Hell, I remember a old guy, when I was TWELVE, stopping my dad at the grocery store and, indicating me, saying to my dad, "Well, you're keeping her nice and thin!" Over thirty years later, I still remember it, and how weird it made me feel.

Now, add in going your whole life with the term "p*ssy" meaning something weak and undesirable. "Douche." "You throw like a girl." "You drive like a woman." Hell, vagina has been used as an insult on this very board by at least one of our esteemed members. Over years, over decades, it all adds up. You're a woman. You're not as good. Just because.

I can't stress enough that what's going on at the Yale campus is not about one email about Halloween costumes, and that woman's outburst was not about the conversation with the official. It's about much, much more.

The shame of it is, that a culture of patriarchy (again, being white, the only one I can speak to with any sense of it as a minority) is damaging to men, too. Short men are only perceived of as less attractive because our culture dictates men should be taller than their partners (Why? one asks. Because a taller woman implies what to us? Why does that bother us?). And fact is, the leading indicator that someone will commit a violent crime is being born male. Why? Why are boys so much more likely to grow up to be violent? (To me, it's because our culture's focus on "strong" and "stoic" means we don't teach boys how to deal with their emotions and then they grow up to hit people smaller than they are)

But it's our culture. Change is scary. How tightly we all cling to the chains that bind all of us.
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Old 11-13-2015, 10:41 AM
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Originally Posted by GenuineRisk View Post
Here is what "free speech" has been on these college campuses:

A swastika painted out of feces on a dorm wall (Mizou)
Swastikas drawn in chalk on campus (Yale)
Nooses left hanging on trees (Duke and U. of Mississippi)
Greek houses hosting "blackface parties" (UCLA)
Student body president called "An Indian piece of sh*t" (U. of SoCal)
When and by whom were the Mizzou poo swastika, the Yale swastikas, the Duke noose and others defended as constitutionally protected free speech?

Originally Posted by GenuineRisk View Post
Going back to what she had to say, again, her rage is not specifically about the conversation with the campus official; it's a cumulation and he was what triggered it into shouting. Look at it as a rage fest 20 years in the making (guessing at her age).

There's free speech, and there's safety. And calling out and swiftly working to condemn racially and sexually aggressive speech, especially on a PRIVATE college campus, is responsible behavior by an administration. It's protecting your students. The kids (or more likely, their parents) pay a lot of money to go these places; they have a need to feel safe on them.
Much as I may try to empathize with her, she is from a well to do family and community in CT and she is attending YALE. I am wondering what rage issues/triggers she has endured in her 20 something years. Her outburst much more resembles my neighbor’s horribly spoiled 13YO daughter than a promising 20 something attending one of the most prestigious institutions of learning in the world. I can’t help wondering if shielding college students from anything “offensive” does them any favors in preparation for the real world. The ladies at my local Shell station have a more well-adjusted outlook than does this young woman (and they use more refined language.)

Now we’re to the point that disagreeing is offensive, "an example of gender based micro aggression," and met with demands for firings/resignations. I watched how Mizzou students, and some faculty, treated those with whom they disagreed. I read how protesters at a Yale free speech forum, as well as the Yale student above, treated those with whom they disagree. There was nothing “micro” about their aggression. It was more like proto-fascism.
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Old 11-16-2015, 09:33 AM
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Originally Posted by OldDog View Post
When and by whom were the Mizzou poo swastika, the Yale swastikas, the Duke noose and others defended as constitutionally protected free speech?

Much as I may try to empathize with her, she is from a well to do family and community in CT and she is attending YALE. I am wondering what rage issues/triggers she has endured in her 20 something years. Her outburst much more resembles my neighbor’s horribly spoiled 13YO daughter than a promising 20 something attending one of the most prestigious institutions of learning in the world. I can’t help wondering if shielding college students from anything “offensive” does them any favors in preparation for the real world. The ladies at my local Shell station have a more well-adjusted outlook than does this young woman (and they use more refined language.)

Now we’re to the point that disagreeing is offensive, "an example of gender based micro aggression," and met with demands for firings/resignations. I watched how Mizzou students, and some faculty, treated those with whom they disagreed. I read how protesters at a Yale free speech forum, as well as the Yale student above, treated those with whom they disagree. There was nothing “micro” about their aggression. It was more like proto-fascism.
Hey, OldDog! Apologies for not replying sooner!

The things I cited can all be defended as constitutionally protected free speech.

I was giving you examples of how what the students are mad about is NOT an email about Halloween costumes; it goes much, much deeper than that. Their peers, their fellow students, are painting swastikas in feces, and hanging nooses, and donning blackface at parties. And it's not like this behavior is new to them once they get to college. The NYDaily News ran an article this week about a 14-year-old honor student and athlete at school in Virginia writing a letter about the racism and harassment he faces from his peers:

Honor student and football player. Fourteen years old. This is his letter:
"To Whom It May Concern:

Yesterday on the football bus coming from our football game a kid ... started saying racist things to me. He then started saying he does not like blacks and he told me 200 years ago my ancestors hung from a tree and after he said that I should I hang from a tree. That made me super mad, so in the locker room I told him not to call me n----r or that I should be hung on a tree. The coaches took me away from the kid because I was really mad and they think I was going to fight him but I want someone to do something about it because I’m tired of boys messing with me because of my skin. I’m at my boiling point with this. Please do something about this because when I bring it to the office/principle you do nothing about it and I’m tired of the racism."

And as the article makes clear, it's far from this one encounter.

The student in the video may well be from a financially secure family and, as you pointed out, she's going to Yale. That said, as many of the students protesting on campus have pointed out, it's Yale. It's supposed to be a safe space; they're paying for this. And if this stuff happens on the privileged grounds of Yale, what does that mean about what's happening in the rest of the nation?

Dr. Sue mentioned that, as an Asian American, he has, hundreds of times, been asked, "Where are you from? No, but where are you from? But where?" (Because, apparently, "Portland, Oregon," which is where he was born, is not an acceptable answer). "Oh, Dr. Sue, you speak English so well!" (Well, duh, it's his first language. May be his only language, for all I know). This is a guy with a Ph.D, who I'm sure is quite financially comfortable, getting this stuff from well-meaning individuals who probably really don't think they're being offensive, but what comments like this say is, "You're an other; you're different."

If you haven't clicked the link about visual micro aggressions I posted in my first reply to this thread, I really really recommend it. It's a quick scroll through of young men and women of color holding up cards with the kinds of things they experience every day. Heck, I'll repost it here because I think it's really important.
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Old 11-16-2015, 09:59 AM
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i blame vitamin d for all the troubles of this world.
well, almost all. i blame religion for the rest.

those are crazy, gr. astonishing what stupid people will say.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all.
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Old 11-16-2015, 11:46 AM
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Old 11-16-2015, 11:48 AM
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people who criticize racism are crybabies?
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all.
Abraham Lincoln
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Old 11-16-2015, 01:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post
i blame vitamin d for all the troubles of this world.
well, almost all. i blame religion for the rest.

those are crazy, gr. astonishing what stupid people will say.
Wow. How is condemning all religious for the troubles of the world less offensive than blaming all blacks, or all homosexuals, or all (insert subdivision of humanity here)?

Are you unaware of all the good things done in the world in the name of religions?
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Old 11-16-2015, 02:16 PM
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Originally Posted by GenuineRisk View Post
Hey, OldDog! Apologies for not replying sooner!

The things I cited can all be defended as constitutionally protected free speech.

I was giving you examples of how what the students are mad about is NOT an email about Halloween costumes; it goes much, much deeper than that. Their peers, their fellow students, are painting swastikas in feces, and hanging nooses, and donning blackface at parties. And it's not like this behavior is new to them once they get to college. The NYDaily News ran an article this week about a 14-year-old honor student and athlete at school in Virginia writing a letter about the racism and harassment he faces from his peers:
You never need apologize for not answering me sooner. I am at best a part-timer here and often don't visit for days at a time.

Those things might be defended by someone somewhere as free speech, but I've not seen that defense applied legally. And when prosecuted as trespass or vandalism I don't recall free speech being evoked as a defense.

Putting Shaun King aside, that's very ugly. Don't all states have rules against bullying and harassment? The school officials should be called out if it's true and they aren't doing anything about it.

Originally Posted by GenuineRisk View Post
The student in the video may well be from a financially secure family and, as you pointed out, she's going to Yale. That said, as many of the students protesting on campus have pointed out, it's Yale. It's supposed to be a safe space; they're paying for this.
Do the students in this "movement" really want to have a dialogue? It seems like they only want to be heard and not to hear. That's not a conversation.

Black only healing space for the students to share, decompress, be vulnerable & real. #ConcernedStudent1950
All this talk about "spaces." I guess libraries aren't considered to be "safe spaces."
Dartmouth parents should be asking for a refund.
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Old 11-16-2015, 02:16 PM
Rudeboyelvis Rudeboyelvis is offline
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post
people who criticize racism are crybabies?

Yeah, that's

Crybullies upset that Paris is getting more attention than them:

Last edited by Rudeboyelvis : 11-16-2015 at 03:27 PM.
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Old 11-16-2015, 04:19 PM
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i think lebanon had a legit gripe, virtually no coverage of their attacks from isis.
we all know some stuff gets more attention than others...but i'll be damned if i would ever call someone speaking up for basic civil rights and basic human dignity crybabies.
some of us take for granted what others still have to fight for.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all.
Abraham Lincoln
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Old 11-17-2015, 12:15 PM
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Originally Posted by OldDog View Post
You never need apologize for not answering me sooner. I am at best a part-timer here and often don't visit for days at a time.

Those things might be defended by someone somewhere as free speech, but I've not seen that defense applied legally. And when prosecuted as trespass or vandalism I don't recall free speech being evoked as a defense.

Putting Shaun King aside, that's very ugly. Don't all states have rules against bullying and harassment? The school officials should be called out if it's true and they aren't doing anything about it.

Do the students in this "movement" really want to have a dialogue? It seems like they only want to be heard and not to hear. That's not a conversation.

All this talk about "spaces." I guess libraries aren't considered to be "safe spaces."
Dartmouth parents should be asking for a refund.
They are protected as free speech. There have been some attempts by state governments (not federal) to ban nooses, but it's met with sporadic success and a fair amount of pushback, mostly revolving around what constitutes an actual threat and what is free speech. And a peace symbol written in feces is just as much vandalism as a swastika, but one has a much different effect than the other. They're not equal.

What the students are doing, with the sit-ins and the screaming and the protests, is calling out schools that, as they see it, are not doing anything about bullying and harassment. In the case of the 14-year-old honor student, he's being more polite about it, but you know, Dr. King and Malcolm X had very different approaches to civil rights and yet somehow both of them ended up shot dead by men who disagreed with them. The nation has a long history of responding to pleas for equality and change with violence, and eventually something is the feather that breaks the camel's back, and then people push back with anger and shouting and shoving.

I saw a bit of it in my son's Pre-K class last year. It was a rambunctious class of kids, but there was one, in particular, I picked out as the problem kid in class (I volunteered a lot so I was there a lot). However, that kid was not the one the teacher or the school decided was a disruptive influence. The kid they did single out, to the point of telling the parents the child should only come to Pre-K three days a week (this is a PUBLIC school, I should note, that was receiving state and city money for its Pre-K program), was not, in my opinion, anymore disruptive than the other one, but one was white and the other was not and guess which one was the one whose parents were getting called almost every day?

Again, I know the kids look like shouting a**holes in videos out of context (and from what I read in the article, there were a few who probably are just a**holes, who were called out by the other protesters for acting like jerks). But the shouting comes after a lifetime of little digs, comments, and a lot of blatant racist crap, like what that 14-year-old in the Daily News article deals with. And I hope, after the shouting, the dialogue will really start. The last thing Dr. Wing Sue said in that lecture I attended, was that it's pretty much too late for all of us who were listening to him- by the time you're an adult, your biases are pretty much set and it's very hard to change them (although you can always work to intellectually recognize them, even if you can't change your emotional response). The hope lies with the younger generation, and the best thing they can experience is repeated exposure to and contact with people from different backgrounds than their own. So yeah, why we as a culture object so much to busing and school desegregations continues to make me sad.

I love talking cultural and political issues with you, OldDog. Always a pleasure and I always learn something.
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Old 11-17-2015, 03:05 PM
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Dartmouth update: College sees no official reports of violence at protest, despite rumors
NAACP vice president Tsion Abera ’17 said that there is no truth to the allegations of violence.

“These allegations of physical assault are lies to make white students look like the victims and students of color to look like the perpetrators,” Abera said. “The protest was meant to shut down the library. Whatever discomfort that many white students felt in that library is a fraction of the discomfort that many Natives, blacks, Latina and LGBTQ people feel frequently.”

Abera denied that there were any physical assaults perpetrated by the demonstrators, but some protesters did use profanity in their chants, she said.

NAACP president Jonathan Diakanwa ’16 said there were incidents of close verbal confrontations between individuals, and that although these students could have been uncomfortable or scared, there was no physical violence of any kind.
Comments such as “F*** your white privilege” were not personal or racist attacks on individual white persons in the library, Diakanwa said.

At a community discussion in Cutter-Shabazz on Monday night, several students voiced concerns over portrayals of Thursday’s protest, particularly in The Dartmouth Review and on Yik Yak.

Vice provost for student affairs Inge-Lise Ameer was in attendance at the meeting, and she apologized to students who engaged in the protest for the negative responses and media coverage that they have received.

“There’s a whole conservative world out there that’s not being very nice,” Ameer said.
Yes, because writing articles and showing videos of what you did is not very nice, but shouting obscenities at whitey is simply de rigueur.

Meanwhile out in the plains...

LAWRENCE, Kan. — Racial tensions are growing at the University of Kansas with a call for three top Student Senate leaders to resign and a recent graduate initiating a hunger strike.
The Senate’s Student Executive Committee is demanding that Student Body President Jessie Pringle, Student Body Vice President Zach George and Chief of Staff Adam Moon step down by Wednesday and that the full Senate to take up impeachment measures if they refuse to leave, the Lawrence Journal-World ( ) reported. The committee registered a 6-3 “no confidence” vote Friday for the three leaders. One member abstained from the vote. . . Pringle and George were singled out, with the committee saying they did not “stand in solidarity with their black peers and proclaim that Black Lives Matter” at Wednesday’s forum.

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Old 11-17-2015, 04:14 PM
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Originally Posted by GenuineRisk View Post
I love talking cultural and political issues with you, OldDog. Always a pleasure and I always learn something.
Thank ye kindly. I hope I'm never too old to learn something new.
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Old 11-17-2015, 05:36 PM
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Originally Posted by OldDog View Post
Dartmouth update: College sees no official reports of violence at protest, despite rumors

Yes, because writing articles and showing videos of what you did is not very nice, but shouting obscenities at whitey is simply de rigueur.

Meanwhile out in the plains...

LAWRENCE, Kan. — Racial tensions are growing at the University of Kansas with a call for three top Student Senate leaders to resign and a recent graduate initiating a hunger strike.
The Senate’s Student Executive Committee is demanding that Student Body President Jessie Pringle, Student Body Vice President Zach George and Chief of Staff Adam Moon step down by Wednesday and that the full Senate to take up impeachment measures if they refuse to leave, the Lawrence Journal-World ( ) reported. The committee registered a 6-3 “no confidence” vote Friday for the three leaders. One member abstained from the vote. . . Pringle and George were singled out, with the committee saying they did not “stand in solidarity with their black peers and proclaim that Black Lives Matter” at Wednesday’s forum.

First, huge props for the Body Snatchers reference. I love that movie. I give big props to the original, but it shows its age a bit, while the 1970s one is still terrifying.

Gawker ran a long and excellent piece on Yale today, which explains better than I did the long simmering things. It even makes reference to the idea of privileged Yale students suffering discrimination- as it points out, you can't see that a person went to Yale from a distance, but you can see their skin color.

"In the sphere of the media, the Yale narrative has since been jumbled, politicized and churned into essays on oversensitivity and the merits of free speech. In some cases, student activists have been reduced to being called privileged millennials; there’s been a stunning lack of empathy that perhaps stems from a lack of knowledge that the burden of living with institutionalized racism is legitimate and real. It’s true that college students are melodramatic, and it’s also true that the world is a racist place. Questions come up at the intersection, inevitably: were these students overdramatizing their experiences? Did they, in a selfish but earnest way, just want to feel part of something bigger? Was there validity to criticism of their tactics as over-policing campus freedom?

That type of trivialization is instinctual. It’s also possible to debate the various levels of intent without discrediting the students’ concerns. But what I found impossible to ignore—and what so many reports did ignore—was the aura of grief at Yale and Mizzou. What’s happening at these schools, as well as many more to come, is the sound of systematic ostracism that had formerly operated covertly being unable to do so anymore. Animosity has boiled for centuries at Yale, a university with a 72 percent white student body, 20 percent Asian, 9 percent black and 9 percent Latino (all according to 2014-15 stats). Small moments evolved into movements that lump into an even larger Black Lives Matter umbrella—this era’s echoing civil rights crusade."
Gentlemen! We're burning daylight! Riders up! -Bill Murray
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Old 11-19-2015, 08:40 AM
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More hurt over calling illegals, "illegals."
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