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Old 11-21-2014, 08:24 AM
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Arletta Arletta is offline
Jerome Park
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Meadow in the Sun
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A coffee break from ~ Clyde


Oh my God ,Sporty Fans

It is so inadequate to say NoAdvantage is the gift that keeps on giving.It's eye popping,jaw dropping entertainment value is so beyond words.You may want to take a listen to the "Why was this Thread Locked?" topic in the very first Gen. Disc. room.You will soon see someone named ....JC,I think----same guy? Nah.Couldn't be.Anyways, that person locked it up and the reason was petty weak.

I should say" pretty" weak.And maybe I shouldn't.

Too late now.

That's because the same sort of thing goes on there all the time and what it really does is underline the thought,"It's not what is said;it's who says it."

Why the few who are ordinary yet are not,frozen,dead or stupid post there is impossible to express in any language of this planet.Maybe it's because although they are pretty sane otherwise----they do have that penchant for pain.Honest,I cannot imagine a better definition of hypocrisy than NA.It's more funny to me than anything else.I don't expect many will find it amusing,but I really do.It's hyper extension of the American political scene is what I enjoy best.

So there ya go.

It's winter and right now in most parts it's the mid January experience.

Not a whole lot to yak about.

I do like watching old Laurel&Hardy(like there's "new" )stuff.But boy NA gets closer all the time.Stevie, have to tell you:You have it all over that place.A thought is,"What if there was a NoAdvantage.....and nobody came?"But there is---- and they did.I think the creator must have gone to horsey board webs sites to recruit with this plea:

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to expel hot air,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”

This is my fine work for today.

I hope you all enjoyed it as much as me.

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