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Old 06-22-2012, 01:44 PM
Rudeboyelvis Rudeboyelvis is offline
Belmont Park
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Originally Posted by Riot View Post
Hey - I'm appalled you haven't said anything about Guantanamo or Halliburton in this thread. You are in rare form today, too BTW, this thread isn't about Fast and Furious, it's about Romney.
No - Wrong. It is about Romney's character - you've made that clear - you called him a "Serial Liar" and "Scum".

"This is not politics. It goes to the man's - Mitt Romney's - ethics and morals."

You don't like the guy - we all get it - you clearly feel he has a lack of ethics and morals - CHARACTER issues

And before you defend Romney, I strong suggest you read the entire complaint, too. I doubt you'll want to go on much offense with this one.
WaaWHAATT!!? When did I ever defend him? In fact I agreed with you that you may well have a valid point.

You see, I don't know - I tend to wait for facts to be presented before I rush to judgement...That what us adults do. When you grow up, perhaps you will understand. I don't have the time nor the inclination to "read the actual complaint" so I simply concede your point. Again, what adults do.

What I do know for a fact, is that your criminal in the white house has more blood of innocent civilians on his hands than any president in memory.
Besides the 100's if not 1000's of innocent people he has killed by violating 50 years of international law - to the Americans he has killed by knowingly putting guns in the hands of criminals and pointing them straight at US citizens.

Those are facts. I merely pointed out that it seemed hypocritical to have such disdain for Romney's Character, yet embrace Obama as some sort of deity.
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