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Old 01-31-2012, 09:22 PM
Dahoss Dahoss is offline
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 10,295

I'm a liberal who voted for Obama and plan to do it again, so you can't lump me in with whoever you are trying to.

I'm also not trying to intimidate anyone. Not sure why you feel the need to make ridiculous statements like that. Well, actually I do. But, I digress.

I'm getting Grits-like here and it wasn't my intention. I was trying to give you an honest assessment as someone who thinks like you politically, so you could see it isn't an Obama haters vs Obama supporters thing. It's a you act like an assh.ole thing.

It was my opinion of the way I see things here. Maybe it's wrong, isn't the first time and certainly won't be the last. But it can't ALWAYS be everyone else.
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