Thread: baseball moves
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Old 07-23-2013, 02:25 PM
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Originally Posted by 3kings View Post
I don't really care what the athletes do. When caught I prefer them to take their suspention and stfu. I particularly do not want them to get the other people just doing their jobs fired. In this case the sample collector and the mediator both lost jobs while he said he was being wronged.
The arbitrator didn't lose his job because of Braun, the arbitrator lost his job because MLB didn't like the outcome and MLB hires the arbitrator. Dino Laurenzi Jr (sample collector) lost his job because he didn't do it properly thus allowing Braun to win the arbitration. Sometimes when you don't do your job properly or follow all guidelines you lose your job. That is what happens in life. Not to mention that all of this should have happened without our knowledge based on MLB's agreement with the players in regards to testing, results and arbitration. The public should not be aware until the arbitration is already over. MLB has a problem with leaks in their own office. Now with all that said what Braun did was wrong and he deserves what he gets, but to think he is the only major star out there doing this is a joke!
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