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Old 12-06-2019, 04:58 AM
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Originally Posted by richard burch View Post
General observations...

I read the article and watched his sermon. He is obviously deeply convicted to his cause and I'm hoping that he is euthanized before all of the thoroughbreds. (IMO: One of the most beautiful animals that ever graced this earth) Any moron who says they want to make any animal extinct is not worthy of his own existence.However I wonder what made him such a hater to begin with. A traumatic experience maybe? Certainly He could use some psychological assistance.

Unfortunately this isn't the first wack-job to go off on a crusade to abolish things be it whales, immigrants, climate change, circuses, hunting, rodeos, etc... Pick a topic and there is likely someone who opposes it. So I had to do it and google it and I was right. However this is the best, a protest group that protects the right to protest!

I'm not surprised at all because this is the world we live in now. Everything is online and everything is on camera, everybody has a picture, a story and a website.

I never even heard of that a-hole until I looked for some honest stats just a few days ago and now we are talking about him instead of solutions to problems. I find myself once or twice a year defending the sport and I will continue to do so.

I also hope horse racing also defends itself but because there is no single governing body I don't know how that can happen with any success.
If the haters use the internet and state legislature to attack the sport, racing should do the same to defend it and more. We can all agree that it wouldn't be a bad idea to try to reduce fatalities but that answer still eludes the industry.

Who will be our defender(s) that is willing to fight for the sport? I don't know but we need a serious go to guy.
Our new National pastime is no longer baseball or football. It is Gaslighting and the endorphin shot of outrage that ensues.
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