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Old 05-18-2015, 09:45 PM
Jay Frederick Jay Frederick is offline
Sunshine Park
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 91

Originally Posted by my miss storm cat View Post
Respectfully, in this instance, I think this is the middle ground.

Great post, Sightie... always nice when someone is able to convey the thoughts that I think a few of us here share.

I'm sorry to bring up something so sad and about an older warrior we all loved (or who at least was a fan and forum favorite), but maybe this is part of it...

I do not know Mr. Repole at all and am not trying to be presumptuous or attempt to psychoanalyze him but maybe this is relative (?):

Repole said he had considered retiring Caixa Eletronica at the end of both his 7- and 8-year-old seasons, but the horse was sound and seemed to enjoy running and training so much that he kept him going. Repole said he turned down offers from farms in Indiana, Oklahoma, and overseas to stand the horse as a stallion. Repole said his plan was to retire the horse to Old Friends in Saratoga.

“Growing up in Queens these are the horses that I fell in love with, not the Saturday horses, but the Wednesday and Thursday horses,” Repole said. “Caixa was that type of horse that turned into a special horse.”

So that's why I think this is a win win and that this just might be the middle ground. If nothing else why not be a little more careful with an older horse...

Glad for all involved. Always nice to see a happy ending.
Maybe it is the middle ground, I don't know. What I do know is what happened to Caixa Eletronica (a personal favorite of mine) could have just as easily happened to a 2 year old. Age had nothing to do with his accident. If we need to be more careful as they get older than maybe they shouldn't be running at all.

I am very happy to see Be Bullish go out a winner. I just think there is more to meets the eye here and that some of the people involved should look at how they run their own stables instead of trying to meddle in others.
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