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Old 12-30-2022, 06:26 PM
Dahoss Dahoss is offline
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 10,295

I tried. More of the same deflection and ignoring valid points. Nothing I have ever said about you is false. NOTHING.

Did you not have a car repo'd? Did you not write a letter trying to take Wrona's job? Did you not cheer on PA when the track Craig was working at announced it was closing? Which one of those things is false? Please, enlighten me. I'm being respectful and leaving other stuff out but we both know balancing a checkbook isn't your strong suit either.

I mean nothing to you but you cannot ignore me and go out of your way to read my tweets. I mean nothing to you but everytime we interact you desperately try to impress me.

Maybe you're fooling yourself, but no one here.

I'm the racing fan you want to impress but I see through your bullshit. Whether you want to admit it or not, I always have. I follow the sport very closely, have a good opinion and back up my opinion at the windows daily. I've also managed to make some friends in the industry and they value my opinion as well. Sorry, but those are facts. I'm not universally hated, but I'm also real.

You know you'd rather a bunch of me's liked you than the mouth breathers you attract with your pandering.

Again, no one in the industry ever, ever defends you. Think about why that is. You know I'm right. but you're a deranged guy who is unable to see himself the way everyone else sees him.

Imagine Durkin behaving this way? You think because it is here and not on Twitter no one sees it?
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