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Old 12-23-2014, 06:15 PM
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Arletta Arletta is offline
Jerome Park
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A Festivus note from ~ Clyde

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'Tis the time to be jolly....aye?


Why is this the time to be jolly and no other time warrants jolliness? Are you "jolly" over Jesus' birth or is it the trappings of Santa Clausness? I think;the latter.For one,Jesus was not born December 25 but on February 29.The main reason,though,is whether or not you believe in Santa Claus----many,many of you do not believe in Jesus.The edge Santa does have here is he brings presents.....and God knows we are a very selfish bunch.

There's also the enormous amounts of alcyhol consumed during this holiday period.Lots of fucl<ing is happening too.Mostly by married couples who are really into the spirit of receiving jolliness.This Giddy Period has nothing to do with the celebration of Jesus' birth and everything to do with playing out Casino.

It's amazing to me the Easter Bunny doesn't get a cameo appearance during the Giddy Period.He's another fun guy having nothing to do with the holiday he stole from Jesus (the one in reverent celebration of his resurrection). Do you begin to see this? The two biggest religious holidays of the year( for Christians,of course.....hey! they do it best!) in recognizing the birth and reanimation of Jesus and what do we do? We declare it's a time to get your jollies,spend tons of money,inhale alcyhol,screw other married people----and later we will give huge amounts of chocolate supplied by the giant bunny and hide boiled eggs we have disfigured!

Is thus nuts,or what?

I'm not a googlie.I do not believe in the Bible.

But MAN!!

This is insane.

See it's hypocrisy;feel it's sacrilege.

Celebrate reality.

Realize what a dork baffert is.Can his bulbous jowls get any more chipmunky?Let us not pay homage to false gods.Let us ,if we believe they really exist...put out a Hunt&Kill on Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny for they are only shills and puppets of the Corporate HO's.They both sold out Jesus in succumbing to an admirable crossing of their palms.

Do not be jolly:Be cynical.

And anti prodigal.

And logical.

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