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Old 01-25-2010, 05:51 PM
freddymo freddymo is offline
Belmont Park
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 7,085

Originally Posted by Thoroughbred Fan
This thread is a bunch of misguided animal lovers not understanding two very fundamental things about horse racing.

1. The sport is all about money. Period. If there wasn't money to be won, hardly anyone would want to race horses. Only the already rich would be involved at all.

2. This is not a hobby. This is a business when you own the horses. Period. At the end of the month the owner can't tell the trainer, vet, dentist, etc that I shouldn't pay this month because I am a great person who didn't start my horse who has a slightly sore ankle. It doesn't work well, I've tried.

Gill is not the greatest person in the world, but he is running his stable like a business and if animal lovers don't like it, then don't support horse racing until they change all the rules to suit you. Period.

I've owned horses. It is a tough business in every aspect. Posting a bunch of crap about a guy or his practices (the same practices as many other but on a larger scale) is much easier.
As much as it pains me... Sharp post
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