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Old 08-25-2013, 04:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Perrault Robbed View Post
i just do not see how anyone can justify that let em shine might have won yesterday with a better ride. if so, i guess every horse that ran yesterday could have won with a better ride. on as biased a track as you are going to see, let em shine absolutely had things his own way at belmont and was collared by the eighth pole. yesterday, a much superior animal in mentor crane ran him into the ground. as others have mentioned, was smith supposed to go into los alamitos 4.5 furlong mode and start whipping down the backside? logic leads anyone with a somewhat logical mnd that if you bet on let em shine it was a bad play, especially at his final odds.
How can you say that considering until this race Saratoga was a virtual no passing zone? Logic would dictate that Let Em Shine would not be passed like so many before him on the day.
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