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Old 07-07-2013, 07:21 AM
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Steve Byk
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Originally Posted by cakes44 View Post
Holy cow no kidding. I think Willie's plan was to just confuse the horse as much as possible this race.
Watch it again. Zayas and Artefacto made it impossible for Martinez and Trinniberg and Willie did great to find his way into the placement. Don't want to take away from Bahamian Squall's nice effort, but had Swagger Jack not SCR'd, Artefacto doesn't draw in and Trinniberg is that much more likely a winner without the #13 there. And another scenario has Jackson Bend the winner if he changes leads on cue. But that's sprint racing. A stumble at the start, a check up along the way or any other hiccup changes the flow and outcome.

Again, the upside for the Parhboos and Fred Brei/Stan Gold is that they know their horses are back. Both were a little disappointed because they thought they could have won, but considering the questions hanging over the heads of both horses, were satisfied with the results. Will mention that Gold was mystified by Fort Loudon's non-effort. Was having him scoped as we left Calder but he thought it will be just a cross out race. Trinniberg and Jackson Bend both Saratoga bound to add to the Vanderbilt/Forego scene.
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