Thread: The Jets
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Old 01-08-2013, 06:05 PM
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Originally Posted by ateamstupid View Post
Cavanaugh should've been out a long time ago. Sparano was an unmitigated disaster. Tannenbaum deserved to be canned based on how badly he screwed up what was a top 5 team in 2010. Pettine supposedly didn't get fired.

For everyone clamoring for Rex to get fired, I have news for you: Rex is as good a coach as the Jets have had since Ewbank and is as good as any coaching candidate out there. Look at the stiffs who have been hired so far. For all the criticism, he's still 40-34 overall and 4-2 in the playoffs. Obviously it's not ideal to have great success your first two years and fade down the stretch of your next two, but the guy needs a QB. He put together a top 10 defense this season without the best cover corner in history and has cultivated two studs on the DL in Muhammad Wilkerson and Quinton Coples. Sanchez was too putrid for the defense to even be able to bail him out this season.

There's no way Sanchez can be back as the starter. The fans absolutely despise him and I have to imagine the rest of the locker room is sick of cleaning up his messes too. Alex Smith would be the perfect quarterback for this team, a guy who can make plays with his legs and doesn't turn the ball over, so that's my wish, but regardless of what they do, bringing in a competent starting QB has to be priorities A through Z for this offseason. After that, I'd look at trying to find another RB in the draft. Somebody like Gio Bernard or Eddie Lacy or taking a flier on a home run threat like Kenjon Barner. Contrary to popular belief, the receiving corps isn't terrible, they just had a ton of injuries in 2012.
This is an incredibly optimistic view, which I admire. Rex is a terrific defensive coach/coordinator. I don't think losing Pettine (who definitely chose not to come back and wasn't fired, IMO) will be an issue at all. But to say Rex is a quality Head Coach? I can't say that. I did write previously in this thread, and still believe, although it's highly unlikely, they need to hire an OC that is strong enough to in essence act as a co-head coach, and do the things Rex can't. Basically play bad cop to his good cop. And hold people accountable for what they do on the field.

I am not quite as sold as you are on Wilkerson and Coples, as the Jets STILL couldn't rush the passer this year, although it became moot when they stank up the joint in every other facet.

And it's a bit premature to call the receiving corps, well, you called them not terrible (how dare you!). Hill wasn't on the field enough to know if he can play or not (his First game against the Bills was it. He was a non-factor the rest of the season). Kerley is a nice slot receiver. Holmes???? Who the Fck knows. And who will be the tight end next season? Rumor is that they will not bring back Keller, who missed almost the entire season without a major injury. And I haven't even gotten to the QB or offensive line issues??? I agree they must replace Greene at running back, who simply hasn't gotten any better since his rookie year. He just doesn't break enough tackles.

The last place schedule is the only thing I'm hanging my hat on right now
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