Thread: Responsibility
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Old 11-14-2006, 06:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Downthestretch55
According to my dictionary, being responsible means being held accountable, answerable, for something that within one's power to control.

Please, don't demean me by saying that I'm a Democrat, a communist, or of any party affiliation. I'm not.
I am, in fact, INDEPENDENT.

That stated, I'm a bit puzzled by all this talk from the Republicans that it is the "responsibility" of the Democrats to come up with a plan for the resolution of the Iraq debacle. To me, demanding that of the Democrats, that won't be in control of anything until Jan 1, 2007, and have not been for the past six years, appears to put a demand for an "exit strategy" on those that aren't responsible for the circumstances.
The claim has been made that "the ball is in their court" now.
It's not at this point in time, nor has it been.
Again, please don't paint me as a "Democrat sympathizer". That will end this discussion quickly.
If anyone can please explain to me who is, in fact, "responsible" (answerable, accountable) for finding resolution to the Iraq war, I'd appreciate your input.

but really, the ball now IS in their court. it's all well and good to criticize others and their poor planning. but anyone can criticize. they need to produce a viable alternative to what has been done up til now. of course, it's not as tho the dems were innocent bystanders in all that has happened up til this point. they are just as responsible for everything, as they were too cowardly to vote no a few years ago when we first went to iraq. they knew then what they know now. to try to pawn off their vote as being due to misinformation is a crock.

wonder what will happen if we are still paddling upstream a couple years from now, still looking for that exit plan.
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