Thread: Luck
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Old 02-06-2012, 09:56 AM
Rudeboyelvis Rudeboyelvis is offline
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Originally Posted by GenuineRisk View Post
I really enjoyed episode two, though my husband, who doesn't follow racing, says he is thoroughly confused.

Speaking of confused, can someone explain to me what is going on with the guy who got beaten up by the two women? Were they pulling a scam together he backed out of? What kind of scam?

I was trying my best to follow what was going on, but the toddler was demanding a dramatic reading of "Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?" during that scene, so I missed most of the dialogue.
He backed out of a slip and fall insurance scam with the two hookers. They apparently had a life insurance policy on him, which was either part of their scam, or was to double cross him after they had collected - so when he backed out they tried to kill him to collect on the policy... At least that's what my interpretation of it is...

Confusing to me is that I was still under the impression that they had not cashed the ticket yet - So I'm wondering why they're all still living together in the motel and everyone (except the guy in the wheelchair) is walking around flush with cash.
Doesn't make any since - once the tax situation is worked out and they cash the ticket, why wouldn't they simply go their separate ways? Unless it isn't worked out yet, they still have the ticket - in which case where is they guy getting a dufflebag full of money to play poker?
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