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Old 05-09-2011, 09:50 PM
Mawhip Mawhip is offline
Sunshine Park
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 86

Originally Posted by Cannon Shell View Post
You do understand that the patient doesn't talk and sometimes you treat what you think is the main issue but that winds up being a secondary issue? Despite what you read on the internet there aren't a lot of clear cut issues when you are dealing with internal issues of thoroughbreds.

Do you seriously think that Todd Pletcher wants to pretend like he doesn't know what is the matter with his horse if he does? What would be the benefit of this?

I think he knows that it's not some gastrointestinal tract infection. Most likely, he used that as a cover-up for something he knows is probably more serious because he knows first hand what happens to horses when they get a serious diet of his juice.
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