Thread: Nomar retires
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Old 03-10-2010, 08:45 PM
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Cannon Shell Cannon Shell is offline
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Originally Posted by randallscott35
Pudge came to spring training after the Bonds ordeal and was 25 pounds lighter. His power numbers dropped off a cliff. Everyone from that Rangers team was on them down to the bat boy
This is true but right during the time when he was presumably on them he had three straight years where he couldnt stay healthy averaging only 100 games from 2000-2003. I'm not saying he wasnt using, he almost assuredly was. But his numbers dropped at the same rate and age that historically has been when catchers really start to lose it. Outside of Fisk and Posada (who started his career much later than most top catchers) there really hasnt been any Catcher that didnt fade pretty quick.
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