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Old 12-16-2009, 08:54 AM
johnny pinwheel johnny pinwheel is offline
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: saratoga ny
Posts: 986

Originally Posted by Indian Charlie
why are they considering it you ask?

because they are freakin retards.
i have to agree. these people are like dr. frankestien and they create monsters. they really need a horseplayer or fan on the board because every decision they make is a big fat loser. this is the only gaming or sports business i know of that does not put the "fan" first. then they have the nerve to wonder out loud "why are we bleeding to death?". who are these clowns? do they have a clue? are they intentionally trashing the thing? is there any common sense? and most of these so called turf writers are just as bad. they are wimps. " we have to take it". guess what keep taking it and there won't be any horse racing to write about. everyone bought into the synthetic track craze (ie. snake oil). then they run over it two years in a row and a dirt horse places third in a couple of them. how many more dirt horses are gonna show up? i'm guessing none at the rate its going! not to mention the whole premise of the thing was to highlight different tracks(monmouth spent millions to update the facility the BC is an economic incentive). in case these morons have not been around a racetrack. cold, heat and rain are part of the game. whats next synthetic tracks with a roof and climate control, it will never get that far thank God because they are too broke to finance it! Magna should go belly up, they are just as guilty!
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