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Old 06-26-2009, 02:54 PM
freddymo freddymo is offline
Belmont Park
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 7,085

Originally Posted by phystech
Freddy, everything has to start somewhere and it usually takes one person to start things.

With that in mind, I think you ought to put your foot down and not run your horses for purses supported by slots money. You have a very valid point about the horses at Delpark on Tues - even though I think you picked the wrong thread to voice your opinion - but to rail against those horses, and then turn around and to do the same thing with your horse would make you...... oh, what's the word I'm looking,..... a hypocrite!!!!

Start the movement Freddy!! Set the example!! Don't run that $6k pig you've got in the barn for slots-fueled purse money. Show the tracks you simply won't stoop to the level of cashing the winner's share of a $44k purse. Be the one that stands up for what you think is right and find that $8k purse that's unsupported by slots money. A real man acts - a weak one follows the flock.

I know you'll do what is right!!!!
I have no problem racing the filly at PID. Never repped I wouldn't or that I wouldn't cash the check the minute it was given to me(can't wait for that slot money). As for being a hypocrite I guess you can choose to call me one. I never had issue with the exploitation of the money, what sane person wouldn't grab low hanging fruit. I had issue with the advent of racing electing to covet slots vs. consolidation and a more comprehensive long term plan. Trust me in a few years will have to go to another NEW SLOT location as PID will be a ghost town for people and horses..

Of course I made good points about what is wrong with racing. And again I never had issue with "the pill" running at Delaware and was most happy she won in such fine form. I never was disrespectfully to the stable or there decision to run or more importantly the fine effort "the pill" gave of herself.
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