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Old 09-11-2006, 12:12 PM
LARHAGE's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 545

[quote=2MinsToPost]where were you when you first heard the news and how did you spend the rest of the day

i was almost home (indianapolis) from a race we had in memphis, tn. was sitting in a burger king drive thru listening to bob and tom when christy (she is on their show, handles the news, etc) said oh my god a plane just hit the wtc. was only a couple miles from the office. when i got to the office everyone was gathered in the confrence room. we all sat in horror and watched it unfold. around 1pm we went back to work but little got done.

i remember that night driving home and just looking at the faces of passer by's. going to the store, just the look on everyones faces. then trying to go to sleep that night.

I live in California and remember cleaning and feeding my horses at approximately 5:30 am, the Country station I listen to in my barn interrupted the song playing and announced that NewYork City was under a terrorist attack. I ran into my house and turned on the TV just in time to see the first Tower falling, I called my boss and told her to turn on the TV, she was shocked, than my family, friends started calling to ask if I knew. I commute an hour into L.A. by train to work, everyone was just so animated and shocked. I finally got to my office and was promptly told the Governor was closing all of L.A. down and for everyone to go home before the trains were ordered to stop running. It was a very surreal experience, I remember I was listening to Howard Stern in my car and he was telling the drama as it unfolded, even he was very freaked out by the whole thing.

I actually went to the site last 9-11 to see first hand the site and left flowers, there were NYPD there and they gave me a first hand eye-witness account of their morning that awful day, the pain and despair was still evident in their faces and memories.
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