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Old 07-16-2006, 07:59 PM
blackthroatedwind blackthroatedwind is offline
Jerome Park
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 9,932

First of all, let's discuss I am a food snob and eat in some of the best restaurants in NYC fairly frequently and Gander is 100% correct. PJ's is excellent barbeque and considered as such from people not only in the Saratoga area but also from out of town. The person knocking their food is DEAD wrong.

As far as the claim about finding restaurants ON Broadway, well, perhaps Wheatfields is edible but up until this year probably the Wine Bar is the only place you want to eat there. Now, Chez Sophie has moved to what used to be the Sheraton so there is one spectacular place on Broadway. Chez Sophie is so good it would thrive in NYC and there are VERY few places you can say that about in Saratoga. I also think Lanci's is very good. To be perfectly honest those are the only two truly good places in town. Well, that's not totally fair, as the Beekman Street Bistro is very good and apparantly a new place has moved in next door, I think, that may also be good.

I do eat fairly often at One Caroline and it is physically a great place. The girl who sings there a lot in the summer is terrific. However, the food is mediocre at best and I personally don't particularly like their menu. Gander is correct that it is hardly pricy and in line with the rest of the places in town.

The Springwater is good but their attitude wore me out and I no longer eat there. I don't need attitude from the hostess after being held up for 45 minutes for my table...especially after it has happened three times in a row. Chameleons, which is owned by a former partner at the Springwater, is a short drive out of town and while it has a limited menu it is pretty good.

On Beverly''s great. I just wish my mornings were less hectic and I could eat there more often. There have been summers I ate breakfast there every day.

Last edited by blackthroatedwind : 07-16-2006 at 08:15 PM.
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