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Old 07-06-2006, 03:35 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER
If this site makes you nervous,or disgusted,then your level of creativity is probably similiar to the tennis player named IVAN LENDL(By the way,how is it he never won Wimbledon?)If, on the other hand,this site feels like you're eating your favorite candy,then the chances are that your level of creativity is pretty good.If you feel nothing at all from looking at it,then you're somewhat creative,but are more interested in "Where's the Beef."

p.s...I put this here for Joey(a stickler about the written English Language.)
I swear to you, I used to be able to spell and write an appropriate English sentence. I won spelling B's in Elementary School. But after I took up Physics, it all went to hell. I remember going into both of the teachers that got me into Physics and correcting their agendas so the students would not make fun of them (this was while I taught Biology and Chemistry). And these guys were very bright, they just could not spell.
I too have met this similar fate. It is very frustrating. The section of my brain dealing with spelling is fermenting. I am constantly asking my daughter how to spell words... I am asking a 15 year old how to spell. Good Christ help me.
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