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Old 07-05-2006, 12:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Rupert Pupkin
The main point was that the orginal post did not go into any detail. The orginal post just said that they changed the cast and he was doing great. The truth of the matter was that "for several days the horse showed a slight elevation in body temperature and was walking differently on both hind limbs." This was what made them suspect there was a problem. They took off the cast and checked it out and discovered that the horse had two broken screws that crossed the pastern bone. While it may not have been totally unexpected, I would still not characterize that as great news. Not only did they have to replace those two screws, they had to add an additional 3 screws "across the pastern joint to try and help stabilize it more." In addition, the horse has a slight infection in his foot on the other leg. So I wouldn't say that it's all good news. But overall, the horse is doing well considering the severity of his injury. As Dr. Richardson said, "Things are progressing well but he's certainly not healed yet and he's not out of the woods."
The horse still has a long way to go but overall it sounds like he is doing reasonably well.
The real issue was that they had reached the 6 week point when there is evidence of healing. They got that evidence. Bad news would have been if it wasn't healing. The screw changes and additions were no big deal. Had the horse not been healing, which was a possibility, than the news would have been bad. Obviously the horse is not in the clear, but the healing process has begun, something that nobody was sure would necessarily take place.
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