Thread: Shake You Down
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Old 02-12-2007, 10:54 PM
docicu3 docicu3 is offline
The Curragh
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 2,778
Default 90 seconds worth listening to.....

Should anybody want to hear how affected Mr Byk is by Coles decision to enter SYD at CT on Thursday in the 4 th race a $7500 claimer just listen to the last 2 minutes of ATRAB yesterday.

On ATRAB Monday besides bringing the entry of Shake You Down in Thursdays CT 4TH to light, Steve also reminded us of how self promoting Cole was last year about being passed over for an owners ECLIPSE nomination when he was a guest on ATRAB.

Byk's remarks about Cole's insane greedy plans for Shake You Down this Thursday night, highlighted the motivation of an ungrateful egocentric owner squeezing the last subpar performance possible from a loyal employee who has served master well and is more than deserving of a life without Scott Lake assistants treating him like another drone after a lengthy career that allows Cole and Lake to live like kings!!!!

Perhaps in farewell it would be more appropriate for Shake You Down to "moon" his present owner Thursday night in his final public appearance at Charles Town Racetrack. It's safe to say that a good look at the horses backside is about as close to an ECLIPSE award that Mr Cole will ever come.

Well done Byk.......if you need an increase in your blood pressure meds after that show just drop me a line.

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