Thread: Todays Word
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Old 02-03-2023, 08:24 AM
v j stauffer
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by jms62 View Post
Probably a World Record for leaving the "High Road"
The HIGH ROAD I was speaking of was I decided not to send all the crap BTW has posted over the years to NYRA.

I did that for a couple reasons.

1) This is Steve Byk's site and I don't want to involve him in any way that rises to that level. He's NEVER treated me with anything but 100% respect and I don't want to sully that.

2) I've always said I do this banter because it's mindless internet fun that I don't take seriously or personally. To expand on anything would belie that.

Of course, I know I have the option to walk away from all this nonsense. I've done that before. But I don't like being bullied or threatened so I trudge forward knowing full well it's hopeless.

I used to say I did that because I wanted to interact with real people, real horseplayers. There doesn't seem to be any left here. They've all had better sense than me and gone elsewhere.

The HIGH ROAD has been closed to BTW and Numbnuts for a very long time. My search doesn't involve them. It was offered many times over the years and rejected.

I don't put BTW on ignore because when he's not going low he's an interesting, knowledgeable member of our industry who occasionally offers things that are thought provoking.

As for Numbnuts. As incredible as it may seem. For years I never knew there was an ignore feature. I truly didn't. I haven't read one word of his drivel and hate since Christmas and it's been like a soul cleansing. I REALLY HAVEN'T READ A WORD. And have no intention of EVER reading another.

As for you, I don't remember you being this aggressive. I must have said something you especially didn't like. Oh well. That's happens on sites like this. Some of the things you've said in the past seem to indicate a feel for our game and handicapping. To me that means there's hope.

If you wish to trade view on those lines, I'm in. If not, no hard feelings. Truthfully, I don't really care.

My DT life has run in cycles, olive branch, futility, fight back, threaten, back off, olive branch, hiatus et el.

I have a feeling hiatus is next up, but we'll see.

Since BTW has made it clear he doesn't read what I post. And since I don't read what Numbnuts says it may just fritter away on its own.

1st post at Oaklawn today is 12:30 cst.

Interesting, tough card, with opportunities.

Let's GO!
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