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Old 03-10-2022, 05:09 PM
Dahoss Dahoss is offline
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Originally Posted by Konk View Post
Two riders down and this pathetic reaction?

Do we need a dead rider befor this garbage track does something?
Oh. and frosting on the cake, Irad back in the saddle!
My guess is no one has seen this because the thread got moved.

What kind of reaction were you looking for? Most of us are used to the sport doing one dumb thing after another. Like suspending him for 14 days but letting him ride the Florida Derby card. Like suspending Irad but letting him ride the stakes. There is no deterrent to poor behavior in this sport.

Paco is a menace. Irad gave him what he deserved when he punched him in the face. Irad is just as bad.
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