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Old 02-08-2022, 10:40 AM
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moses moses is offline
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Originally Posted by King Glorious View Post
Looks good in print. Probably sounds good coming out of your mouth.I don’t believe you though. Not like you care. Just as I don’t care what your opinion of me is (even though you constantly express it.
Who hurt you so badly that you’ve got such a negative outlook?

I can tell you that my wagering was significantly lower in 2021 than it has been in years. I’ve been very turned off from the sport. I’m definitely not still watching and wagering in the same way I used to.

If someone like me, who grew up going to the track a couple times a week every summer with his grandpa, is starting to lose interest, I think the sport is in trouble. There are maybe 2-3 people I know younger than me who have any interest in horse racing and 1 of them is my relative.

The major thing everyone brings up when I ask them about horse racing is that they think the animals are treated poorly. I used to tell them, “Are you kidding? These top level horses live better lives than a lot of people.” With all the Servis/Navarro stuff and Baffert stuff, I’ve stopped saying that.
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