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Old 11-12-2020, 11:17 PM
cal828 cal828 is offline
Havre de Grace
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 5,836

Good advice on the mask thing. Problem is I have trouble remembering to put it on and have found myself in a store or somewhere before I realize, I don't have one on and have to go back to my car and get it. Did that today when I was having my car serviced, but luckily they had some disposables and they gave me one. Also, if you wear one, do it right covering you mouth and nose.
I see so many people wearing them wrong which defeats the whole purpose.

Our soon to be new Prez is right. Nothing political about it. Do it to protect yourself and others. I am encouraged by the news from Pfizer, but we are still a long way from this thing being over.
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