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Old 06-06-2020, 12:30 PM
JolyB JolyB is offline
Oriental Park
Join Date: Oct 2014
Posts: 3,582

I would never second guess any player's selections, but I did want to add a comment about the person who Ruff's ROI pick in race 5 was named after.

Tadeusz Kosciuszko was a Polish/Lithuanian patriot who was one of many foreign military men who were inspired by the American revolutionary cause in 1776. His training as a military engineer made him very valuable in improving fortifications that defended against British advances. Among other locations, his choice of the ground to defend helped the Americans defeat Burgoyne at the battles of Saratoga. After the revolutionary war, he returned home and fought for Polish freedom.

One of the most interesting aspects of his biography was his will, which attempted to leave his American assets to the manumission of slaves in America, even though this intent was never completed.

If you have time, it is worth learning more about this hero of American independence who seldom gets much notice.

Certainly worth naming a horse after.
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