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Old 02-06-2019, 07:16 PM
cal828 cal828 is offline
Havre de Grace
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Originally Posted by DonGuido View Post
Cal828, don't fall for that "catnip" invitation . . . she's not only a feline's feline but a sorcerer . . . how else could she pull the ROI winners she does but rom a magic hat, a crystal ball or an 8 ball. Maybe she does get special "insights" "consuming" the Colorado "catnip" . . . not sure but be careful . . . just ask RQ.
I don't know what she does, but she surely does it well. Didn't she come within a cat's whisker of winning last week? There's probably a simple explanation for it. My theory is she's smoking too much of that "Colorado Catnip." I always heard that stuff would make you have "visions," if you over did it. She probably sees the winning horses in a vision. I guess we all better hope she doesn't combine the "catnip" with those silly mushrooms(psilocybin?). If she did, she'd probably win the NHC.

Last edited by cal828 : 02-06-2019 at 07:29 PM.
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