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Old 05-01-2018, 11:43 AM
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Looks like post position draw was good for all the contenders.

Early thoughts

A group

Magnum Moon- Pletcher is loaded for bear this year and I feel this one is his best. Ran green in last race but still put in a dominating performance and the sky is the limit on this one. Can sit off the pace and run them down on the stretch. Expecting a huge effort and break of the Apollo curse.

Audible - Another Pletcher horse with big potential in this race. Not a pace dependent horse as he stalked in one of his wins. However still should get a nice pace setup and be tough in the last quarter.

B Group

Bolt D'Oro - Horse is one tough sob and continues to throw in triple figure beyers. Leave off your tickets especially exotics at your own risk

Vino Rosso - Horse keeps getting better and Pletcher will have him ready. Feel his a slight bit under Moon and Audible but is a threat running late and at 12-1 a nice value play

Justify - Horse can win but feel its had three races all go his way and small fields. Baffert gets his horses ready but this will be by far his toughest test with the speed inside and just don't feel the horse can hold on against the other top horses here. Will still be on my ticket as you can't leave Baffert horses off but like others much better.

C Group

Good Magic - 2-year old champ starting to show flashes and is training very nicely. Going to have to run much better though to beat this field and have mixed feelings about his chances. May add to ticket if I can afford but am siding with others

Mendelssohn - Romped his first dirt race but lets face it he didn't beat anything in that race. True wildcard. Feeling he will get caught up in the pace. I always stay away from these invaders in the derby and will here. Will let him beat me.
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