Thread: Songbird
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Old 11-04-2016, 10:06 PM
Conrad Conrad is offline
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Originally Posted by blackthroatedwind View Post
I don't agree. She was able to set a VERY moderate pace, partly with the help of her owner's usual trainer's horse riding shotgun, and further keeping Beholder out. Given the dynamics, Forever Unbridled probably ran a better race. It may be close....but it's close at worst:-)

The problem with a lot of Songbird's fans ( and I am not saying this is you ) is that they had completely unrealistic expectations going in. If you bet her at even money, you made a horrendous bet, as even under perfect circumstances ( slow pace, Stellar Wind not showing up, and Beholder getting pushed wide ) she lost. Sure it was close. Sure she ran well. No sane person criticized Songbird going in, they simply said she was a bad bet at a short price. Isn't that exactly what proved the case?

Regardless, it was a thrilling race. Hopefully everyone enjoyed it. I sure as hell did. Maybe some of us even learned something from it. What could be better than all that?
Because no one dared go with her, just as I suspected.
The problem with all the Songbird detractors is that they apparently don't study pace, where she had a huge advantage. What was Smith supposed to do when clear by 2-3 lengths down the backside? Push the button?
The pace was slow because she made all the pace and no one wanted anything to do with her up there.

So Larry Jones sent Chatterbox in there just to "ride shotgun" and make things tougher for Beholder? Is that what you're REALLY suggesting Andy?
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