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DonGuido 11-27-2018 02:45 PM

Points and ROI Totals for 2018-2019 Contest Year
All-righty-then . . . we start another handicapping year with yours truly keeping up with the points and ROI totals. Let's see how long I can go without overlooking, forgetting or just plain getting someone or something wrong.:D

Points and ROI totals through November 24, 2018

And we start out with two smoking hot pistols a blazzing taking command right out of the gate for the first two contests of the year as Ruffian shows us she's determined to join the "500 Club" this year with a repeat in points and Roamin carries the same tone of GUSTO with a repeat in ROI. Hotsey Totsey to both of you . . WOW!!! The rest of us are noted below . . .

42 Ruffian-333, (ladies before gents) REPEAT in Points
42 Roamin42, REPEAT in ROI
16 Cal828, with hits in Points and ROI for both weeks
16 NJ Stinks, nailing place hits in ROI both weeks
10 JolyB, with 3rd place hits in Points both weeks
9 Real Quiet, garnering a show spot this week
6 DonGuido, manages a show spot in ROI for the first week of the year
5 Plenilune, hits a 4th place spot for the first week
2 Cruzan200246

DonGuido 12-05-2018 10:11 PM

Points and ROI Totals through December 1, 2018

Somehow DonGuido managed to snuff Ruff out of continuing her meteoric climb as the current top four were shut out. See how we run for now below. Real Quiet and DonGuido climb a little and JolyB and Plenilune tag along just behind. It's ealry . . . just hold your peepers for awhile before I start putting onezees and twozees on the board. :D

Luvs y'all!!!

43 Ruffian-333
43 Roamin42
17 Cal828
17 NJ Stinks
17 Real Quiet, 2nd Pts
17 DonGuido, 1st Pts
15 JolyB, 3rd Pts again (Third-itis?)
9 Plenilune, 4th Pts
3 Cruzan20024
1 Indian Hemp

DonGuido 12-14-2018 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by DonGuido (Post 1119595)
[b][u] Points and DO I totals through December 8,2018.

Not sure how this will work but until I get a new computer I'll update the total by editing the last one, sorry for now anyway.

Luvs y'all!!!

47 Ruffian-333 (4th Pts)
44 Roamin42
28 Cal828 (1st Pts)
18 NJ Stinks
18 Real Quiet
20 JolyB, 3rd Pts again and again (Third-itis?
28 Plenilune, 4th Pts (1st DPI and 2nd Pts)
3 Cruzan20024
1 Indian Hemp

See revisions above and I have no clue how to copy or cut and paste on my touch screen tablet. The rendering of all will have to wait also. Thanks,

DonGuido 12-18-2018 07:17 PM

Points and ROI Totals through December 8, 2018

Ok I now have a new little laptop that work like a dream!!!! See totals below. Dec 15 updates to follow.
Ok now HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL!!! With points spread all around, we have a new leader as JolyB takes over convincingly with a very nice SWEEP and Roamin43 hangs tough in the 3 hole while Ca828 and Plenilune hold hands on the 4th rung of the ladder. NJ Stinks adds nicely to his total not too far behind and DonGuido takes minor honors and gains a little ground.

Hope nobody gets coal in their stocking from the jolly old Elf and y'all have a Judy Garland "Merry Little Christmas" . . . we'll see ya next weekend where ever JB elects to take us!

61 JolyB (no 3rd-itus this week but nailing a SWEEP w/ 20 bonus pts)
48 Ruffian-333
45 Roamin43 (3rd Pts)
36 Cal828 (2nd Pts)
36 Plenilune (2nd ROI)
23 NJ Stinks (3rd ROI)
22 DonGuido (4th Pts)
19 Real Quiet3 Cruzan20024
2 Indian Hemp

DonGuido 01-12-2019 01:09 PM

Points and ROI totals through January 5, 2019

Trust me on these totals, since I have been way behind and playing catch up but it's safe to say the JolyB is treating this contest like the Clemson Tigers treated Alabama last Monday. He's so far ahead we can't even see his dust. He's hotter than the sun. He's . . . well you get the picture. Just look at his total in early January, amazing!!!

And now that my new little ASUS lap top is working fine with Office Suites, I'll get back in my regular, irregular grove.

1. 204 JolyB (with SWEEPS, REPEATS and THREEPEATS all in row, Foughedaboudit!!!)
2. 60 Cal828 (2nd Pts)
3. 52 Roamin43 (3rd Pts)
4. 51 Ruffian-333
5. 50 Plenilune (2nd ROI)
6. 42 Real Quiet
7. 35 DonGuido (4th Pts)
8. 29 NJ Stinks (3rd ROI)
9. 6 Cruzan20024
10. 4 Indian Hemp

DonGuido 01-27-2019 01:09 PM

Points and ROI totals through January 19, 2019

Ok, so JolyB cooled off a little but he's bound to heat up again and Cal828 stays tough in the place spot, while Real Quite makes a big jump up the ladder with nice scores last two weeks to nab the 3 hole. Ruffian also adds nicely to her score securing her spot in the 4 hole and Plenilune stays pat in the 6 slot. NJ Stinks jumps over DG (who couldn't pick a winner after the race is over) and takes on the 7th rung of the ladder.

The rest of us, right now, are colder than a frozen turkey waiting for next Thanksgiving.

Lets see how the Gulfstream Pegasus card deals with us as we move closer to more competitive Derby Trial racing. Thanks for playing and keep those cards and letter coming in.

1. 216 JolyB (4th Pts 1/12, 2n Pts 1/19)
2. 76 Cal828 ( 1st Pts 1/12, 3rd Pts 1/19)
3. 71 Real Quiet (1syt ROI and 2nd Pts 1/12, 1st Pts 1/19)
4. 67 Ruffian-333 (1st ROI, 4th Pts 1/19)
5. 56 Plenilune (3rd Pts 1/12)
6. 52 Roamin43
7. 38 NJ Stinks (2nd ROI 1/19)
8. 37 DonGuido
9. 8 Cruzan20024
10. 5 Indian Hemp

DonGuido 02-02-2019 06:51 PM

Points and ROI Totals through Jan 26, 2019

JolyB nabs the win in Pts once again adding nicely to his total but Ruffian is the big mover and shaker CATapulting into 2nd place with a REPEAT in ROI adding another patented head scratching bet. Real Quiet drops one into the four hole but Plenilune keeps a tidy spot on the 5th rung of the ladder and DonGuido takes minor honors and points moving up one to the seven hole.

So let's see how Gulfstream (again) treats if any better than this??? Still early but we'll all have to up our game a bunch to test JB for the lead this year.

1. 231 JolyB (1st Pts and 4th ROI)
2. 106 Ruffian-333 (1st ROI REPEAT w/ 20 bonus pts and 2nd Pts)
3. 77 Cal828
4. 76 Real Quiet (3rd Pts)
5. 64 Plenilune (2nd ROI)
6. 53 Roamin43
7. 41 DonGuido (4th Pts)
8. 39 NJ Stinks
9. 10 Cruzan20024
10. 6 Indian Hemp

DonGuido 02-06-2019 10:01 AM

Points and ROI Totals through Feb 9, 2019

Real quick, since I have to get back to college football national signing day, JolyB add minor points to his dominating lead while Ruffian garners 3rd place point to hang tough in the two hole. Call828 gets a nice boost from his 2nd place Pts effort and DonGuido nails the Pts win to move nicely up the totals ladder. Cruzan20024 captures the win in ROI and doubles his pot.

Thanks for playing and we'll be spending the day in what looks to be a warm but partly cloudy day in Tampa Bay.

1. 235 JolyB (4th Pts)
2. 111 Ruffian-333 (3rd Pts)
3. 85 Cal828 (2nd Pts)
4. 77 Real Quiet
5. 65 Plenilune
6. 54 Roamin43
7. 52 DonGuido (1st Pts)
8. 40 NJ Stinks
9. 21 Cruzan20024 (1st ROI)
10. 7 El Prado (My sincere apologies EP!!!)
7 Indian Hemp

RUFFIAN 02-06-2019 11:02 AM

I Understand U Have “Footy On The Brain Syndrome” eek:
{Not Fatal};) Once Super Bowl Over, Symptoms Subside! :{>:

*** But I was #2 POINTS * NOT #3
CAL Was #3

Points Results

1. 235 JolyB (4th Pts)
2. 111 Ruffian-333 (3rd Pts) <===
3. 85 Cal828 (2nd Pts)
4. 77 Real Quiet

cal828 02-06-2019 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by RUFFIAN-333 (Post 1121522)
I Understand U Have “Footy On The Brain Syndrome” eek:
{Not Fatal};) Once Super Bowl Over, Symptoms Subside! :{>:

*** But I was #2 POINTS * NOT #3
CAL Was #3

Points Results

1. 235 JolyB (4th Pts)
2. 111 Ruffian-333 (3rd Pts) <===
3. 85 Cal828 (2nd Pts)
4. 77 Real Quiet

I think you might be looking at the wrong post ma'am. Here is the post by
Ms. Plenilune.

Gulfstream Park R12

7 Soldado
1 Honest Mischief
11 Island Song

Scratched: 3

Tough and crazy day but DonGuido cracks the triple digits for the win. cal828 lands second. RUFFIAN-333 is a solid third. JolyB nicely rounds out the super.

1 DonGuido ABX 25 100
2 cal828 ABX 25 87
3 RUFFIAN-333 BAX 17 80
4 JolyB - DC XAX 2 64

12 cruzan200246 XBA 5 63
12 Real Quiet XAX 2 44
12 ElPrado CBX 7 42
12 Roamin42 BXX 3 36
12 Plenilune XAX 2 25

My play has been horrible enough. I'd appreciate it, if you wouldn't take away the only bright spot.:zz:

RUFFIAN 02-06-2019 11:46 AM


I think I was looking at a different post where I was second
which I think was the week before but thank you for catching that :{>:

I’ll be happy to share my catnip with you so then maybe ...
I can finish in front of you next time ~ wink wink ;) nudge nudge

cal828 02-06-2019 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by RUFFIAN-333 (Post 1121524)

I think I was looking at a different post where I was second
which I think was the week before but thank you for catching that :{>:

I’ll be happy to share my catnip with you so then maybe ...
I can finish in front of you next time ~ wink wink ;) nudge nudge

Sitting in 2nd place overall, I doubt that you will have any problem beating me, unless I come up with a better plan than I have thus far executed. May have to spread my bets out a bit. Most of the time, I have concentrated on a single race. Probably dumb to do the all or nothing thing. We will see. May not have any better results.

Real Quiet 02-06-2019 01:09 PM

Hey Don. Are you missing El Prado from your list?

DonGuido 02-06-2019 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by Real Quiet (Post 1121527)
Hey Don. Are you missing El Prado from your list?

Now that's important and worth looking into and fixing!!! Ooooooopsy!!!


DonGuido 02-06-2019 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by cal828 (Post 1121526)
Sitting in 2nd place overall, I doubt that you will have any problem beating me, unless I come up with a better plan than I have thus far executed. May have to spread my bets out a bit. Most of the time, I have concentrated on a single race. Probably dumb to do the all or nothing thing. We will see. May not have any better results.

Cal828, don't fall for that "catnip" invitation . . . she's not only a feline's feline but a sorcerer . . . how else could she pull the ROI winners she does but rom a magic hat, a crystal ball or an 8 ball. Maybe she does get special "insights" "consuming" the Colorado "catnip" . . . not sure but be careful . . . just ask RQ. :eek::D

cal828 02-06-2019 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by DonGuido (Post 1121542)
Cal828, don't fall for that "catnip" invitation . . . she's not only a feline's feline but a sorcerer . . . how else could she pull the ROI winners she does but rom a magic hat, a crystal ball or an 8 ball. Maybe she does get special "insights" "consuming" the Colorado "catnip" . . . not sure but be careful . . . just ask RQ. :eek::D

I don't know what she does, but she surely does it well. Didn't she come within a cat's whisker of winning last week? There's probably a simple explanation for it. My theory is she's smoking too much of that "Colorado Catnip." I always heard that stuff would make you have "visions," if you over did it. She probably sees the winning horses in a vision. :eek::D I guess we all better hope she doesn't combine the "catnip" with those silly mushrooms(psilocybin?). If she did, she'd probably win the NHC.

DonGuido 02-06-2019 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by cal828 (Post 1121555)
I don't know what she does, but she surely does it well. Didn't she come within a cat's whisker of winning last week? There's probably a simple explanation for it. My theory is she's smoking too much of that "Colorado Catnip." I always heard that stuff would make you have "visions," if you over did it. She probably sees the winning horses in a vision. :eek::D I guess we all better hope she doesn't combine the "catnip" with those silly mushrooms(psilocybin?). If she did, she'd probably win the NHC.

Now that's funny. :) Thanks for a nice chuckle before bed time.

DonGuido 02-14-2019 08:32 AM

Points and ROI Totals through Feb 9, 2019

JolyB grasps minor honors adding to his commanding lead as Real Quiet does the same hanging tough in the 4 hole. Roamin42 nabs a nice win in Pts and jumps up the ladder to challenge for the 5th rung of the ladder. DonGuido tallys a 2nd place score in Pts adding nicely to his pot in the 7 hole with the big haul of the day being Cruzan20024 capturing a dandy ROI REPEAT win and jumping over NJ at that.

Thanks for playing and we'll see how The Fairgrounds treats us.

1. 240 JolyB (3rd Pts)
2. 111 Ruffian-333
3. 86 Cal828
4. 81 Real Quiet (4th Pts)
5. 66 Plenilune
6. 65 Roamin42 (1st Pts)
7. 60 DonGuido (2nd Pts)
8. 52 Cruzan20024 (1st ROI REPEAT with 20 bonus points)
9. 10 NJ Stinks
10. 8 El Prado (My sincere apologies EP!!!)
8 Indian Hemp

JolyB 02-14-2019 09:39 AM

Our friend Roamin42 is much too much of a gentleman to say anything, so I'd like to speak up on his behalf. You've often listed him as Roamin43; when he win the points contest as he did last Saturday, I think he is entitled to be called by his proper screen name.:)

DonGuido 02-14-2019 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by JolyB (Post 1121921)
Our friend Roamin42 is much too much of a gentleman to say anything, so I'd like to speak up on his behalf. You've often listed him as Roamin43; when he win the points contest as he did last Saturday, I think he is entitled to be called by his proper screen name.:)

I think he is too, fixed and innocent oversight. :eek::) I'm sure he felt a year younger for a little while assuming the 42 is his birth year.

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