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Riot 06-22-2012 10:29 AM

Mitt Romney sold a drugged horse

Ann and Mitt Romney sold a dressage horse, Super Hit ($125,000). After sale, the horse was found to have four drugs in it's system as painkillers/sedatives.

The Romney's were sued. The case settled out of court.

The expert witness against the Romney's was an FEI vet.

The horse had a foot problem (coffin bone) and a contralateral compensatory lameness. The drugs found (they are spelled incorrectly in the Buzzfeed article, see the original lab report) were:

Butorphenol - sedative and mild analgesic, opiod
Xylazine - short-term sedation and analgesic, alpha-2 receptor agonist
Detomidine - primarily sedation and some analgesia, alpha-2 agonist, lasts longer than xylazine
Romifidine - used for standing sedation and mild analgesia.

When you combine Xylazine or detomidine or romifidine with butorphenol, you get nice pain control and sedation. With no ataxia (stumbling, tripping, falling over)

Some yahoo put all four in this horse to calm and mask the lamenesses.

Romney is scum.

I don't care if he didn't know about this, and the trainer had a vet do it, or more likely, chose to do it his self, without the Romney's knowledge (very common, unfortunately) - it's cheating, it's fraud, it's deception, it's theft by deception, and worse, it's dangerous for the horse, for the rider.

Money above horse welfare. Eff you, Mitt Romney. I hope your campaign is over now.

OldDog 06-22-2012 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by Riot (Post 870336)
The Romney's were sued. The case settled out of court.

The case with Romney was settled last September and she is no longer involved in the lawsuit.

Originally Posted by Riot (Post 870336)
Romney is scum.

I don't care if he didn't know about this, and the trainer had a vet do it, or more likely, chose to do it his self, without the Romney's knowledge (very common, unfortunately) - it's cheating, it's fraud, it's deception, it's theft by deception, and worse, it's dangerous for the horse, for the rider.

Money above horse welfare. Eff you, Mitt Romney. I hope your campaign is over now.

Last September, on the eve of a jury trial, Mrs. Romney was dropped from the lawsuit before it was settled out of court.

Nine days after ending her case against Mrs. Romney and the Ebelings, Ms. Norris settled with Dr. Herthel. The veterinarian’s lawyer, Mr. Schwartz, said his client paid no money. “They did not have a viable case and they quit,” he said.
You don't care if Romney didn't know about this -- he's scum even though the vet or trainer might have done it without his knowledge. Wow.

Riot 06-22-2012 11:12 AM

The horse was sold with four drugs in it's system, that, first, must be revealed on a pre-purchase exam if the seller is simply specifically asked, "has the horse had a tranquilizer or painkiller?" and secondly, are a non-medical hodgepodge of painkiller and sedatives not used as a ridiculous cocktail.

When you purchase a horse, it's "buyer beware" 100% of the time. This buyer was smart. The seller was a cheat.

Romney was the owner. The owner is responsible for what his trainer, or his vet, put into the horse, whether he knows about it or not.

There is no way any owner paying the bills would not know this horse was being drugged sound. Before any sale was considered.

Try to explain this away and stand up for Romney. It won't go anywhere. Putting his dog on a crate on the top of the car is nothing compared to the fraud and deceit of selling a lame horse, that has been drugged to mask the lamenesses, for $125,000.

Coach Pants 06-22-2012 11:26 AM

What Quiet is doing is damage control for her God. You see, her God was caught shipping guns to Mexico in order to fuel media propaganda for a gun ban. The sycophants can deflect, defend, attack all they want. Those are the indisputable facts for normal human beings who aren't in a high fructose corn syrup induced coma.

While doing this obvious damage control she abandons humanity and puts one horse above Mexicans and border patrol agents.

For shame. But that's the type of evil we're dealing with.

hoovesupsideyourhead 06-22-2012 11:29 AM

When you combine Xylazine or detomidine or romifidine with butorphenol, you get nice pain control and sedation. With no ataxia (stumbling, tripping, falling over.. how would you know...this does explain a few things..

pointman 06-22-2012 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by Riot (Post 870336)

Ann and Mitt Romney sold a dressage horse, Super Hit ($125,000). After sale, the horse was found to have four drugs in it's system as painkillers/sedatives.

The Romney's were sued. The case settled out of court.

The expert witness against the Romney's was an FEI vet.

The horse had a foot problem (coffin bone) and a contralateral compensatory lameness. The drugs found (they are spelled incorrectly in the Buzzfeed article, see the original lab report) were:

Butorphenol - sedative and mild analgesic, opiod
Xylazine - short-term sedation and analgesic, alpha-2 receptor agonist
Detomidine - primarily sedation and some analgesia, alpha-2 agonist, lasts longer than xylazine
Romifidine - used for standing sedation and mild analgesia.

When you combine Xylazine or detomidine or romifidine with butorphenol, you get nice pain control and sedation. With no ataxia (stumbling, tripping, falling over)

Some yahoo put all four in this horse to calm and mask the lamenesses.

Romney is scum.

I don't care if he didn't know about this, and the trainer had a vet do it, or more likely, chose to do it his self, without the Romney's knowledge (very common, unfortunately) - it's cheating, it's fraud, it's deception, it's theft by deception, and worse, it's dangerous for the horse, for the rider.

Money above horse welfare. Eff you, Mitt Romney. I hope your campaign is over now.

Riot 06-22-2012 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by hoovesupsideyourhead (Post 870370)
When you combine Xylazine or detomidine or romifidine with butorphenol, you get nice pain control and sedation. With no ataxia (stumbling, tripping, falling over.. how would you know...this does explain a few things..

I know because I have the DEA license for dispensing those drugs, I know what drugs we use together, and why, and what their effects are.

Your bu.lls.h.ait attempt to imply I'm a cheater is just that - ignorant

And there's nothing more pathetic than watching some of you, those who pretend hate those evil cheating race trainers that take your gambling money, try and justify the exact same fraud in Mitt Romney's world.

This has nothing to do with politics. This has nothing to do with Fast and Furious. This, too, has nothing at all to do with Obama, or Buddy Roemer, or Ron Paul. This is not politics. It goes to the man's - Mitt Romney's - ethics and morals.

You guys put your politics before horses? Nice.

Rudeboyelvis 06-22-2012 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by Riot (Post 870372)
I know because I have the DEA license for dispensing those drugs, I know what drugs we use together, and why, and what their effects are.

Your bu.lls.h.ait attempt to imply I'm a cheater is just that - ignorant

And there's nothing more pathetic than watching some of you, those who pretend hate those evil cheating race trainers that take your gambling money, try and justify the exact same fraud in Mitt Romney's world.

This has nothing to do with politics. This has nothing to do with Fast and Furious. This, too, has nothing at all to do with Obama, or Buddy Roemer, or Ron Paul. This is not politics. It goes to the man's - Mitt Romney's - ethics and morals.

You guys put your politics before horses? Nice.

Wow - your little tirade, I thought, based on this:
""Romney is scum.

I don't care if he didn't know about this, and the trainer had a vet do it, or more likely, chose to do it his self, without the Romney's knowledge (very common, unfortunately) - it's cheating, it's fraud, it's deception, it's theft by deception, and worse, it's dangerous for the horse, for the rider.""

Was to attempt to assassinate his character - Ok fine you may have a point.

Then, when someone points out how Obama is responsible for over 2000 firearms being walked over the border specifically to be put in the hands of the drug cartels, many of which have turned up at violent crime scenes on both sides of the border and are responsible for at least 2 murders of US Border Patrol agents - that says nothing about his character? That just politics?

You're in rare form today.

Alabama Stakes 06-22-2012 12:28 PM

holy pearl harbor batman

Originally Posted by hoovesupsideyourhead (Post 870370)
When you combine Xylazine or detomidine or romifidine with butorphenol, you get nice pain control and sedation. With no ataxia (stumbling, tripping, falling over.. how would you know...this does explain a few things..

wow, what a fargin cheapshot that was. "them's fightin words in my country. but we're not in my country." - Shemp Howard

OldDog 06-22-2012 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by Riot (Post 870360)
There is no way any owner paying the bills would not know this horse was being drugged sound.

Right. No way.

geeker2 06-22-2012 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by Coach Pants (Post 870366)
What Quiet is doing is damage control for her God. You see, her God was caught shipping guns to Mexico in order to fuel media propaganda for a gun ban. The sycophants can deflect, defend, attack all they want. Those are the indisputable facts for normal human beings who aren't in a high fructose corn syrup induced coma.

While doing this obvious damage control she abandons humanity and puts one horse above Mexicans and border patrol agents.

For shame. But that's the type of evil we're dealing with.

:tro: exactly that F&F thing is a total disgrace and that turd Holder can't man up and take responsibility and neither can the turd in the White House.

Riot 06-22-2012 12:40 PM

It's sad that when you guys have nothing at all regarding the subject, some of you immediately resort to insulting and attacking the messenger :D

"Ad hominem - it's for losers" :tro:

I suggest you guys click on the Buzzfeed link, and read the actual testimony from the expert witness yourselves. It gets good about page 12-14, but you'll need the background.

This was clearly not dismissed as "there was no case".

The horse had documented severe low ringbone for years, was lame and injected for years, was known as lame, was not showing for some time at the time of sale.

The horse was drugged to help him pass a pre-purchase (the trainer probably added something on top of what the vet did), sold for $125,000 as an upper level dressage horse - a job he was physically unable to perform without drugs - and the pre-purchase vet didn't do due diligence to the purchaser, as his agency required - he worked for the Romney side.

This is the perfect example of why you always look a gift horse in the mouth and get second opinions. And you never, ever use only the seller's vet. This is a cheating owner, trainer and vet taking $125,000 from a purchaser to get rid of a useless, lame horse.

A purchaser who was smart enough to get a second opinion and catch them. And take them to court.

There is zero justification for this on Romney's behalf. It shows he is completely unethical in his business dealings, and worse, that he'll misuse an animal for money.

Riot 06-22-2012 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by geeker2 (Post 870391)
:tro: exactly that F&F thing is a total disgrace and that turd Holder can't man up and take responsibility and neither can the turd in the White House.

Actually that turd Holder wanted to give Issa viewing of multiple documents, on top of the thousands he's already willingly given to the Committee, and Issa refused. Issa voted for Fast and Furious to start under the Bush administration, btw.

Riot 06-22-2012 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by OldDog (Post 870390)
Right. No way.

Right. You clearly didn't read the complaint before you said that silly thing, did you? :D

Please - you might want to read what happened in detail - and how long the horse was lame before it was put up for sale - before you make assumptions.

Riot 06-22-2012 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by Rudeboyelvis (Post 870387)
Wow - your little tirade, I thought, based on this:
""Romney is scum.

I don't care if he didn't know about this, and the trainer had a vet do it, or more likely, chose to do it his self, without the Romney's knowledge (very common, unfortunately) - it's cheating, it's fraud, it's deception, it's theft by deception, and worse, it's dangerous for the horse, for the rider.""

Was to attempt to assassinate his character - Ok fine you may have a point.

Then, when someone points out how Obama is responsible for over 2000 firearms being walked over the border specifically to be put in the hands of the drug cartels, many of which have turned up at violent crime scenes on both sides of the border and are responsible for at least 2 murders of US Border Patrol agents - that says nothing about his character? That just politics?

You're in rare form today.

Hey - I'm appalled you haven't said anything about Guantanamo or Halliburton in this thread. You are in rare form today, too:D BTW, this thread isn't about Fast and Furious, it's about Romney.

And before you defend Romney, I strong suggest you read the entire complaint, too. I doubt you'll want to go on much offense with this one.

Rileyoriley 06-22-2012 12:49 PM

The buyer's vet admitted giving the horse tranquilizers to x-ray it. Can't remember what ones he gave or if he gave it to the horse before he took the drug screen. He also failed to mention it to the buyer. I agree the buyer has a case-against the vet THEY hired to do the purchase exam.

Riot 06-22-2012 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by Rileyoriley (Post 870398)
The buyer's vet admitted giving the horse tranquilizers to x-ray it. Can't remember what ones he gave or if he gave it to the horse before he took the drug screen. He also failed to mention it to the buyer. I agree the buyer has a case-against the vet THEY hired to do the purchase exam.

There were four sedatives/analgesics found on the drug screen. The vet said he only gave two. Or maybe three. Only two are documented in the medical record. Seems the seller's agent also had a problem with honesty. All those steroid injections over the years. Then, there was the vet colluding with the seller via the agent.

Seems the legal owner, the seller - Mitt Romney - was selling a known lame horse that couldn't show nor perform any longer at the level intended at time of sale. Sold as an upper level dressage horse in spite of previous medical records indicating it had longstanding low ringbone, treated, and the horse couldn't be shown. The horse was drugged to pass the pre-purchase sound. And Romney took $125,000 for it.

Read the entire complaint. It's very ugly.

Rileyoriley 06-22-2012 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by Riot (Post 870401)
There were four sedatives/analgesics found on the drug screen. The vet said he only gave two. Or maybe three. Only two are documented in the medical record. Seems the seller's agent also had a problem with honesty. All those steroid injections over the years. Then, there was the vet colluding with the seller via the agent.

Seems the legal owner, the seller - Mitt Romney - was selling a known lame horse that couldn't show nor perform any longer at the level intended at time of sale. Sold as an upper level dressage horse in spite of previous medical records indicating it had longstanding low ringbone, treated, and the horse couldn't be shown. The horse was drugged to pass the pre-purchase sound. And Romney took $125,000 for it.

Read the entire complaint. It's very ugly.

I am very familiar with this case. The vet said he only gave 2 or maybe 3 or maybe 4??? AND he can't remember if he took the drug screen before he gave the sedation. If anyone here has ever been involved with a purchase exam, the vet you hire to do the exam should provide you with a written account of everything done during this exam, including copies of x-rays. If the horse had to be sedated for x-rays or a full mouth exam (not unusual to have to sedate), it should be noted in the purchase exam and the drug screen taken BEFORE sedation. This client got a shoddy exam (including x-ray readings) and does have a lawsuit against the vet.

Danzig 06-22-2012 01:09 PM

i read the ny times article that was linked by old dog. seems quite a reach to attempt to tie this to mitt.

OldDog 06-22-2012 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by Riot (Post 870395)
Right. You clearly didn't read the complaint before you said that silly thing, did you? :D

Please - you might want to read what happened in detail - and how long the horse was lame before it was put up for sale - before you make assumptions.

I read it. I also read this from the NYT piece:


Super Hit, the horse that became the subject of the lawsuit, was bought in Germany in 2003 for about $100,000. At the time, X-rays showed that he had a small abnormality in his left front coffin joint. Mrs. Romney consulted three veterinarians and was told it was “not significant,” according to her deposition in the suit, which was previously reported by The Washington Post.

With Mr. Ebeling training Super Hit and riding him in competitions, he progressed and did well at shows. The horse also regularly received injections of anti-inflammatory drugs to prevent any problems with his coffin joint, which is where the hoof attaches to the lower leg. Veterinary experts say the drugs are commonly given to top-level sport horses.

Though Mrs. Romney loved the horse, calling him “Soupy,” she decided to sell him in late 2007. Riding him, though meant to soothe her multiple sclerosis, had in fact become painful. “I frequently was getting back spasms when I rode Soupy,” she said.

Riot 06-22-2012 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by Danzig (Post 870408)
i read the ny times article that was linked by old dog. seems quite a reach to attempt to tie this to mitt.

Read the actual complaint. Not a synopsis by a reporter.

Riot 06-22-2012 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by Rileyoriley (Post 870405)
I am very familiar with this case. The vet said he only gave 2 or maybe 3 or maybe 4???

The vet said he gave two, documented in the medical record, then said he also gave the xylazine, not documented in the medical record. That leaves one drug unaccounted for.


AND he can't remember if he took the drug screen before he gave the sedation. If anyone here has ever been involved with a purchase exam, the vet you hire to do the exam should provide you with a written account of everything done during this exam, including copies of x-rays. If the horse had to be sedated for x-rays or a full mouth exam (not unusual to have to sedate), it should be noted in the purchase exam and the drug screen taken BEFORE sedation. This client got a shoddy exam (including x-ray readings) and does have a lawsuit against the vet.
Yes, the vet here is horrible. But the seller, through his agent, also did some pretty nasty stuff. The vet talked to the seller - Romney - about the positive drug tests, via the Seller's express agent. The seller is culpable.

People appear to be jumping through hoops to defend the seller here. Sorry - the seller sold a known lame horse for $125,000.

Riot 06-22-2012 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by OldDog (Post 870414)
I read it. I also read this from the NYT piece:

Why don't you ignore the reporters, and read the actual complaint yourself? Where the expert witness shows how Ann Romney's story is full of holes, in 21 pages? Here's the link to the court document

The horse didn't show for 2 1/2 years due to ringbone and chronic lameness, before Romney's horse was doped to soundness and unloaded for $125,000. Mitt's a great businessman!

Coach Pants 06-22-2012 01:29 PM

You're absolutely bats.hit insane. Cuckoo. Off the reservation.

Send it the Rachel Madcow.

Riot 06-22-2012 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by Coach Pants (Post 870431)
You're absolutely bats.hit insane. Cuckoo. Off the reservation.

Send it the Rachel Madcow.

"Ad hominem - it's for losers" :tro: :D

Rudeboyelvis 06-22-2012 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by Riot (Post 870396)
Hey - I'm appalled you haven't said anything about Guantanamo or Halliburton in this thread. You are in rare form today, too:D BTW, this thread isn't about Fast and Furious, it's about Romney.

No - Wrong. It is about Romney's character - you've made that clear - you called him a "Serial Liar" and "Scum".

"This is not politics. It goes to the man's - Mitt Romney's - ethics and morals."

You don't like the guy - we all get it - you clearly feel he has a lack of ethics and morals - CHARACTER issues


And before you defend Romney, I strong suggest you read the entire complaint, too. I doubt you'll want to go on much offense with this one.
WaaWHAATT!!? When did I ever defend him? In fact I agreed with you that you may well have a valid point.

You see, I don't know - I tend to wait for facts to be presented before I rush to judgement...That what us adults do. When you grow up, perhaps you will understand. I don't have the time nor the inclination to "read the actual complaint" so I simply concede your point. Again, what adults do.

What I do know for a fact, is that your criminal in the white house has more blood of innocent civilians on his hands than any president in memory.
Besides the 100's if not 1000's of innocent people he has killed by violating 50 years of international law - to the Americans he has killed by knowingly putting guns in the hands of criminals and pointing them straight at US citizens.

Those are facts. I merely pointed out that it seemed hypocritical to have such disdain for Romney's Character, yet embrace Obama as some sort of deity.

Antitrust32 06-22-2012 02:03 PM

So this is Romney's wife's horse.... and the vet hired by the buyer drugged the horse and gave the buyer a shady and unethical pre-purchase exam...

What does this have to do with Mitt Romney? seems like it has nothing to do with Mitt Romney.

Unless Mitt Romney knew anything about the horse being drugged... which it seems he didnt... and it seems like the horse was his wifes animal.. Than saying this problem reflects on Mitt Romneys character is pretty much the same as Dell saying Obama's rapist cousin reflects on Obama's character.

Hopefully the vet who did this gets into some trouble.

Danzig 06-22-2012 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by Antitrust32 (Post 870454)
So this is Romney's wife's horse.... and the vet hired by the buyer drugged the horse and gave the buyer a shady and unethical pre-purchase exam...

What does this have to do with Mitt Romney? seems like it has nothing to do with Mitt Romney.

Unless Mitt Romney knew anything about the horse being drugged... which it seems he didnt... and it seems like the horse was his wifes animal.. Than saying this problem reflects on Mitt Romneys character is pretty much the same as Dell saying Obama's rapist cousin reflects on Obama's character.
Hopefully the vet who did this gets into some trouble.


Riot 06-22-2012 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by Rudeboyelvis (Post 870443)
No - Wrong. It is about Romney's character - you've made that clear - you called him a "Serial Liar" and "Scum".

:zz: Why are you saying, "Wrong"? when I said the thread was not about fast and furious, it is about Romney? :confused: Apparently we agree - it is indeed about Romney's morals, business ethics and character.

He is a serial liar, because well, he's been caught lying about stuff. Time after time. Not just the usual political exaggeration, but "pants on fire" lies. After he's been corrected on the facts.

That's a problem. A moral problem. I lived through Nixon. And Clinton. And Cheney. And Rove. And Scooter Libby. Lying at that level is a major problem.

I'll call Romney a "great businessman" for making that horse deal and getting $125,000 for a lame, useless pasture ornament. Is that better?

What do you call people that have lame horses doped so they can be sold for big bucks for a job they can no longer do because they are lame? I call them, "scum".

I have always hated Romney's political stances - but now this shows me the man has nothing worth admiring personally, either.


You see, I don't know - I tend to wait for facts to be presented before I rush to judgement...That what us adults do.
Yup. I've read the witness statement document. All of it. The drug report. Because that's what adults do. So I have the facts, thanks.

As someone that knows precisely what pre-purchases entail from the veterinary viewpoint, and having bought and sold horses of my own, I have reached the considered, adult conclusion that Romney is lying, cheating scum that will have a no longer servicable horse drugged, to sell it for $125,000.


When you grow up, perhaps you will understand. I don't have the time nor the inclination to "read the actual complaint" so I simply concede your point. Again, what adults do.
Unlike you, I did take the time to read the entire complaint before I even posted the thread, and thus have the facts informing my opinion.

Rather childish of you to tell me, "when you grow up", for something I did before I started the thread. And you haven't done at all.


What I do know for a fact, is that your criminal in the white house has more blood of innocent civilians on his hands than any president in memory.
Apparently you've forgotten George W. Bush.

Oh - and again, this thread is about Romney. Not how much you dislike our current President. You called Obama a deity - I never have. Don't put words in my mouth falsely characterizing my opinion, thanks.

Riot 06-22-2012 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by Antitrust32 (Post 870454)
So this is Romney's wife's horse.... and the vet hired by the buyer drugged the horse and gave the buyer a shady and unethical pre-purchase exam...

You mean the Romney's vet? The one that colluded with the owner, via the owner's agent?

The owner that knew the horse was not showable for 2 1/2 years before the sale due to severe "worse I've ever seen" low ringbone?

The owner that knew the horse was treated for chronic lameness due to that ringbone repeatedly with steroids, Adequan, Lubrisyn?

The owner that knew that ringbone like that ends the horses career?

The owner that knew the horse had a compensatory soft-tissue lameness in the contralateral front leg? Because the ringbone leg hurt so much, too much weight was on the other leg - even not being ridden?

The owner - Romney - then decided to sell the unshowable lame ringbone-riddled horse as an "upper level dressage horse" for $125,000?


What does this have to do with Mitt Romney? seems like it has nothing to do with Mitt Romney.
Not if you close your eyes and simply admire Romney's ability to make money ;)

Antitrust32 06-22-2012 02:17 PM

you should put a Mrs. in front of the Romney part because you make it seem like Mitt sold the horse.

Why would the buyer not use a vet they trusted for the pre purchase exam?

This whole thing is very very shady, but it doesnt seem to have anything to do with Mr. Romney.

The vet should lose their practice.

Antitrust32 06-22-2012 02:18 PM

also the buyer needs to take it up with the vet they hired.

Danzig 06-22-2012 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by Antitrust32 (Post 870466)
you should put a Mrs. in front of the Romney part because you make it seem like Mitt sold the horse.

Why would the buyer not use a vet they trusted for the pre purchase exam?

This whole thing is very very shady, but it doesnt seem to have anything to do with Mr. Romney.

The vet should lose their practice.

based on the nyt article, several questions come to mind.
one, why would anyone shell out six figures on a horse when you're told there is an issue with the ankle up front?
why would you keep said horse over a year before raising a stink?
why would anyone suggest mitt was at fault, when his wife was removed from the suit and he wasn't even named in it to begin with?

more than anything, this seems an incredibly convoluted attempt to besmirch a candidate. surely there are enough bona fide bones to pick without making this reach-and it is quite a reach.

bigrun 06-22-2012 02:22 PM


Apparently you've forgotten George W. Bush.

You beat me to it...:tro:

Antitrust32 06-22-2012 02:27 PM

i just read the whole report.

This thing has 100% absolutely nothing to do with Mitt Romney.

The Dr. Doug vet seems pretty much entirely at fault. Plus this was Ann Romney's horse, not Mitt Romney's horse.

I dont see how any individual could read that report and reflect poorly on Mitt Romney, unless there is an agenda to fill.

Riot 06-22-2012 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by Antitrust32 (Post 870466)
you should put a Mrs. in front of the Romney part because you make it seem like Mitt sold the horse.

Naw. Mitt just got Ann's name taken off the complaint at the settlement, and used the deduction on his tax return.

The owner's legal agent was fully complicit in this fraud. The Romneys knew the horse was lame. The Romney's knew the horse couldn't do upper level dressage any more. The Romney's sold the lame horse for $125,000 as an upper level dressage horse, after it was drugged to go sound.


Why would the buyer not use a vet they trusted for the pre purchase exam?
When you fly in to look at horses, you have to use local vets for the intial stuff (blood draw, rads, etc). The vet screwed her, and yes, he should be held responsible for his gross ethical breech he participated in - with the owner's agent.

The buyer did the wise and common thing, and had a second opinion back home. Good thing,too, as it caught the fraud.


This whole thing is very very shady, but it doesnt seem to have anything to do with Mr. Romney.
Except he writes the checks. I'll guess that $125,000 profit on the lame horse Ann couldn't ride any longer helped offset the farm business deduction losses (like that $77,000), to make one of those 2 out of 7 years profitable on Mitt's tax return. So he can continue to claim the horses as a business, rather than an unprofitable hobby.

Antitrust32 06-22-2012 02:31 PM

maybe Ann used her husbands money to buy the horse, but it was Ann's horse, not Mitts. It even says in the report that the insurance policy for the horse was in Ann's name.

this just doesnt have anything to do with Mitt himself.

The vet? Yes.

Like I said, no different than Obama's cousin raping somebody and blaming Obama for it.

OldDog 06-22-2012 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by Riot (Post 870428)
Why don't you ignore the reporters, and read the actual complaint yourself? Where the expert witness shows how Ann Romney's story is full of holes, in 21 pages? Here's the link to the court document

Yes, you provided that link in your initial "Romney is scum" rant. I read it, and the NYT article provided within it. It provides the testimony of the expert veterinarian, not the entire complaint, and no other testimony. Perhaps other testimony and evidence would provide clues to why the Ebelings and Romney were dropped from the complaint before it was settled, and why Dr. Herthel paid no damages when it was settled.

Antitrust32 06-22-2012 02:33 PM

you should be outraged that there are people like Dr. Doug in your profession. Unfortunately, he's not the only shady character in that business.

I dont see where the outrage for Mitt comes from, except you dont want him to be the next President. (I dont want him to be either)

Riot 06-22-2012 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by OldDog (Post 870479)
Yes, you provided that link in your initial "Romney is scum" rant. I read it, and the NYT article provided within it. It provides the testimony of the expert veterinarian, not the entire complaint, and no other testimony. Perhaps other testimony and evidence would provide clues to why the Ebelings and Romney were dropped from the complaint before it was settled, and why Dr. Herthel paid no damages when it was settled.

Who were all those folks direct employees of? Who pays their salary? Who owns the farm - the property and land - the trainer works upon and lives upon? The farm the horse lived upon?

Why did the settlement include getting Ann Romney's name off all the legal documents? Because "I'm gonna be running for President, for goodness' sake!"?

I have zero tolerance for scum that dope and sell lame horses. The owners knew the horse was useless and lame. This was an ongoing, multi-year problem. The horse was doped and sold for quite a profit. It's outrageous fraud and deceit.

But it's good to know that if Michelle Obama ever defrauds someone for $125,000, you guys won't associate it with, or blame the President ;)

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